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Invisible People: Poems of Pain and Inspiration

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‘Invisible People’ is a diverse book of poetry and short stories about challenges. Challenges that the poet Carol Clarke has dealt with in her own life from Learning Disabilities to Bi-Polar, Arthritis, and MS. She shares with the reader how she dealt with all of her various issues and her day to day struggles and hopes. Some examples of her poetry range from titles like: MS and Heat, or Crippled about her MS issues, Miles and Miles to go or the Bi-Polar Mind at Work about her Bi-Polar issues , and Depression or ‘I Want to Die’ just to name a few. She also includes a number of joyful happy poems and even addresses political and world themes which she sprinkles throughout her collection. Throughout the book Carol shares her feelings about her various problems and diseases as she ages and gains different perspectives on her life. She reminds us all of the hope and joy in life in spite of many odds. Writing poetry has helped Carol deal with all of her trials in her life and she is happy to share her honest and open journey with the readers.

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