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Letters from Katrina: Stories of Hope and Inspiration

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This project began in the spring of 2005 when students in one elementary classroom in Colorado were asked to participate in a unique book drive for the children along the gulf coast. Each Colorado student was given a new Growing Field children’s picture book and, inside of it, invited to write a letter to a student along the gulf coast affected by Hurricane Katrina. The result, which includes schools, classrooms and students from California to Virginia, has been magical. In searching their heart and mind for meaningful words to write…the children found their own voice of value and a way to make their own special contribution. Through their words of hope, inspiration and friendship they have reached out to inspire their friends throughout Mississippi to believe that life is still without limit. The letters written by our next greatest generation are profiled in this new book and will soon be available for you to purchase. This elegant coffee table book illustrates the difference each of us makes when reaching out to others in need. The letters written by elementary students serve as a powerful reminder that the world can be changed when we ask not about gender, race, religion or socio-economic status but instead share with others six magical words that will truly change the world…”I hope we can be friends.” 100% of the proceeds from the sale of this book will be placed in an endowment that will create a lifetime of scholarships and opportunity for children throughout Mississippi and the Gulf Coast.

Product Features

  • Used Book in Good Condition

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3 thoughts on “Letters from Katrina: Stories of Hope and Inspiration

  1. True inspiration What a wonderful way to show compassion and do something ‘real’ at the same time. Inspiring coffee table book, amazing photography, and a great cause with 100% going back to the real victims, the kids. A touching book that might just inspire you to come up with your own idea to make a difference instead of just talking about it.

  2. Common Core Recommended! Happy librarian – needed book found here! Hope the teachers and students are happy with them, too! The only downside is that I must catalogue them myself, but it is worth the time and effort to be able to get materials not available elsewhere at these prices!

  3. He is as amazing as his stories he wrote This is the most incredible project! These third graders letters will reach you on entirely new level! This author came to my school recently! He is as amazing as his stories he wrote!

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