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PURPOSE: The Alignment Guide: 28 Days of Inspiration, Reflection, Intention and Creative Expression. (SPARK: The Radically Authentic Life) (Volume 1)

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How are you responding to the changing world? Emotionally? Energetically? Physically? Mentally? Spiritually? Even Financially? Does the weather, the environment, the information, and the rapid acceleration of every aspect of life pull you away from alignment with Purpose and drain your life Spark? Discover a transformational tool and system supporting you now and into the future. Stop searching outside of yourself for Purpose and bring the process back inside. Learn how to align who you are now with what needs to emerge. Become more anchored in your knowingness, abilities, intuitions and gifts. PURPOSE: The Alignment Guide, as a standalone book or as part of Michelle Vandepas’s 9-month life Be-ing system: SPARK- The Radically Authentic Life, is a tool that helps to discern what is true in every moment of every day. Learn how to navigate this more connected, and yet rapidly changing world. This 28-day journey into PURPOSE reveals your essence by gently prodding a deeper internal inquiry using self-assessment exercises, daily reflections, journaling, coloring, doodling and exploring the creative process of self-discovery. It helps align the Soul Contract: what you’re here to do and how you get from here to there to do it. How are you responding to the changing world? Emotionally? Energetically? Physically? Mentally? Spiritually? Even Financially? Does the weather, the environment, the information, and the rapid acceleration of every aspect of life pull you away from alignment with Purpose and drain your life Spark? Discover a transformational tool and system supporting you now and into the future. Stop searching outside of yourself for Purpose and bring the process back inside. Learn how to align who you are now with what needs to emerge. Become more anchored in your knowingness, abilities, intuitions and gifts. PURPOSE: The Alignment Guide, as a standalone book or as part of Michelle Vandepas’s 9-month life Be-ing system: SPARK- The Radically Authentic Life, is a tool that helps to discern what is true in every moment of every day. Learn how to navigate this more connected, and yet rapidly changing world. This 28-day journey into PURPOSE reveals your essence by gently prodding a deeper internal inquiry using self-assessment exercises, daily reflections, journaling, coloring, doodling and exploring the creative process of self-discovery. It helps align the Soul Contract: what you’re here to do and how you get from here to there to do it.

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1 thought on “PURPOSE: The Alignment Guide: 28 Days of Inspiration, Reflection, Intention and Creative Expression. (SPARK: The Radically Authentic Life) (Volume 1)

  1. A Brilliant Way to Guide You Back to Deep Authenticity! Purpose: The Alignment Guide is exactly that – a guide to align with everything authentic about YOU! Michelle’s guide takes the stress out finding your purpose, because you will discover it was never lost.The exercises are relevant and relatable and help you connect with what is already inside of you. In 28 days you will steep yourself in your own authenticity revealing a deep respect for your own intuition and how it’s always guiding you home to yourself – always!

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