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Life Is But A Quote: Inspiration Truth And Life -Black And White Edition

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Black and white Edition of the original. Immerse yourself in hundreds of meaningful sayings, accompanied with plenty of beautiful photos, graphics, images and lllustrations. All individually designed to reflect the depth of each saying and keep your mind captivated. Get inspired with sayings that will give you hope. Listen to the truth about every aspect of life, through my eyes and see why first hand, there is still a reason to keep living, to keep breathing, to live life beyond all limits. Impact someone’s life positively by giving them hope. Inspire them to do better and give them a reason to keep fighting, for what they believe in. Life has a meaning and we are here for a reason. Let me walk you through your journey in life. Let me be your guide. Let me inspire you and allow you to see life through the eyes of someone who believes in people, support them and wants nothing less than the best for them.

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1 thought on “Life Is But A Quote: Inspiration Truth And Life -Black And White Edition

  1. “Life is But a Quote” This book is very inspirational. I’m not much of a book reader but this one is very engaging and unique. I love how there is a quote that can match every moment In your life. If you are going through tough times, need a little inspiration, or even if you want to just simply stay positive, this book is prefect. One of my favorite things about this book is that you can pick up right where you left off since each page has a separate quote. There are pictures that make the quotes and saying even…

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