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Not Quite Burned Out, but Crispy Around the Edges: Inspiration, Laughter, and Encouragement for Teachers

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This book of inspirational stories and essays is designed for any teacher who has survived the first week of the first year of teaching. It offers memories of the joy of teaching, tells compelling tales of tragedy as well as survival, and provides opportunities for laughter, which is sometimes the only remedy for difficult situations.

Faced with low salaries, overcrowded classrooms, and dwindling public support, teachers are expected to improve student performance, answer public scrutiny, and solve society’s problems – with just a stroke of chalk across a blackboard. It is easy to become discouraged, and many do. Not Quite Burned Out helps remind teachers of the reasons they entered the profession in the first place. Without disguising the heart-breaking realities, Draper nonetheless celebrates the joys and very real rewards of teaching. Her clear-eyed compassion and wry humor will offer inspiration to novice and longtime teachers alike.

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3 thoughts on “Not Quite Burned Out, but Crispy Around the Edges: Inspiration, Laughter, and Encouragement for Teachers

  1. Good read Draper accurately captured the life of a teacher and helped reminded me of why I became a teacher. Highly recommend

  2. inspirational This would be great for new and uninspired teachers. More inspirational than informative. I loved the title. I was looking fora more scholarly read.

  3. Just Starting I left teaching for a job in Biotech a few years ago. If I had read this book first, I might not have left. I might have found the courage to finish my student teaching. Now times have changed again, I find my self in the credential program to be a guidance counselor. One of my assignments was to review a book about Philosophy of teaching, it was by chance that I came across Mrs. Draper’s book. I believe that any form of art that invokes an emotional response in me to be brillant. Mrs…

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