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Organize Your Home in Five Days: Easy Hacks to Declutter Your Space, Create a Positive Environment & Get Inspiration Back to Your Life (DIY Hacks & Home Organization)

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Are you losing the fight against clutter at your own home? Are you stuck in a never-ending cycle of clutter, disorganization, and more clutter? Do you find yourself losing hope at the state of your own home? Do you feel uncomfortable, ashamed or even feel that you hate your home?

Do you want to retake control of your home? Do you want it to be a place where you can feel at peace, relaxed and be yourself? Do you want to show off your home to guests and loved ones? Do you want to remove clutter? Do you want positive energies? Do you want your home to become the inspiration in your life?

Organizing your home is one of the best choices that you can make. It will allow you to have the home of your dreams while accomplishing the task of removing clutter and achieving organization in your home; plus knowing other important information about home organizing.

This book will share with you different lifehacks and steps that are all meant towards helping you have the home of your dreams.

Inside you will learn about:

Principles for decluttering Lifehacks for every major room of the home Lifehacks for the office Lifehacks for other spaces The 5 day plan Hidden clutter DIY declutter projects House rules for all ages Declutter list of 7 Lifehacks for interior designing The art of Feng Shui

Once you have learned the lifehacks on this book, you will never look at home organizing the same way again. When you realize the easy and creative ways that can help you remove clutter and organizes space, you will be sure to put them into practice.

Don’t wait another minute! The sooner you learn these lifehacks, steps, and tips, the sooner you can start with the 5-day plan and do more activities on home organizing.

Don’t delay. Download this book now.

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3 thoughts on “Organize Your Home in Five Days: Easy Hacks to Declutter Your Space, Create a Positive Environment & Get Inspiration Back to Your Life (DIY Hacks & Home Organization)

  1. Same old advice This is basically a short summary of all the typical home organizing tips and “tricks”. Nothing new here that cannot be found in books that have already been published or available for free on blogs dedicated to the subject. At least it’s short.

  2. This read more like an extended blog post than a true book I’m torn between categorizing this book as brief or straight to the point. It reads like a checklist of what to do versus a mentality or methodology of keeping houses de cluttered. I read through this in about 10 minutes which was nice but revealed nothing much than a checklist with a few life hacks along the way. Most of the checklist items are common sense. What I was really hoping to find in here was the motivation to do said checklist items. Perhaps it was misplaced with the rest of my…

  3. Great help! This book is fantastic! With little ones running around it can be hard to keep track of everything and things are constantly piled up in cupboards or thrown under beds. This book is full of great tips about how to organise your home, from top to bottom. I Love the section of “Life Hacks”, so clever!Ive noticed such a difference after incorporating these tips into my routine, a must read for any parent!

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