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Making Work Work: The Positivity Solution for Any Work Environment

Is your office a place of soul-destroying negativity? Shola Richards—keynote speaker, award winner, and creator of The Positivity Solution blog—is about to change that . . . forever.

“My mission was clear: I needed to fix the problems facing the workplace. As quickly as I came up with my new mission, I came up with the solution:
We need to treat each other better. Period.”
Shola Richards had reached the end of the road: after nearly two years at a soul-sucking job, he felt numb and suicidal. So he quit and devoted himself to nothing less than transforming the workplace, turning it into a space of respect, courtesy, and endless energy. Making Work Work focuses on inspiring current and future leaders to start a movement that will banish on-the-job bullying, put meaning back into work, and enhance coworkers’ happiness and engagement. Richards, whose popular blog has a worldwide following, explains why inaction is insane, why we must move forward with positivity, and why the “abc” employees (asshats, bullies, and complainers) are so destructive. This motivational guide will stay in readers’ hearts and minds long after they finish reading it.

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Organize Your Home in Five Days: Easy Hacks to Declutter Your Space, Create a Positive Environment & Get Inspiration Back to Your Life (DIY Hacks & Home Organization)

Are you losing the fight against clutter at your own home? Are you stuck in a never-ending cycle of clutter, disorganization, and more clutter? Do you find yourself losing hope at the state of your own home? Do you feel uncomfortable, ashamed or even feel that you hate your home?

Do you want to retake control of your home? Do you want it to be a place where you can feel at peace, relaxed and be yourself? Do you want to show off your home to guests and loved ones? Do you want to remove clutter? Do you want positive energies? Do you want your home to become the inspiration in your life?

Organizing your home is one of the best choices that you can make. It will allow you to have the home of your dreams while accomplishing the task of removing clutter and achieving organization in your home; plus knowing other important information about home organizing.

This book will share with you different lifehacks and steps that are all meant towards helping you have the home of your dreams.

Inside you will learn about:

Principles for decluttering Lifehacks for every major room of the home Lifehacks for the office Lifehacks for other spaces The 5 day plan Hidden clutter DIY declutter projects House rules for all ages Declutter list of 7 Lifehacks for interior designing The art of Feng Shui

Once you have learned the lifehacks on this book, you will never look at home organizing the same way again. When you realize the easy and creative ways that can help you remove clutter and organizes space, you will be sure to put them into practice.

Don’t wait another minute! The sooner you learn these lifehacks, steps, and tips, the sooner you can start with the 5-day plan and do more activities on home organizing.

Don’t delay. Download this book now.

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The Optimistic Workplace: Creating an Environment That Energizes Everyone

When it comes to work these days, we’re expected to do more with less–but is this nose-to-the-grindstone philosophy the best way to run a business? Alarmingly low employee engagement numbers indicate otherwise. So, if pushing everyone harder isn’t the path to productivity, what is?

Supported by the latest research, this eye-opening book argues that our best work is the product of a positive environment. That’s good news for you as a manager. While you can’t personally transform the corporate culture, you can influence the workplace climate and create meaningful and lasting change.

Advocating a steward model of management, “The Optimistic Workplace “reveals how to:
Explore personal and organizational purpose–and align them for astonishing results – Overcome resistance and skepticism Build camaraderie and deepen loyalty Increase intrinsic motivation Help your team find meaning in their work Identify goals collaboratively and track progressAnd more Examples from companies large and small demonstrate how this people-centric focus ignites employee potential, increases innovation, and catapults the organization to new levels of performance.

Far from being a wish-upon-a-star discussion of workplace happiness, this book presents an array of surprisingly simple strategies as well as practical 30-, 60-, and 90-day plans designed to focus your actions and make employee optimism not just a worthy goal–but a real and measurable result.

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Empowerment Series: Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment

Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman’s UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT, 10th Edition looks at the lifespan through the lens of social work theory and practice, covering human development and behavior theories within the context of family, organizational, and community systems. Using a chronological lifespan approach, the book presents separate chapters on biological, psychological, and social impacts at the different lifespan stages with an emphasis on strengths and empowerment. Part of the Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series, this edition is completely up to date and thoroughly integrates the core competencies and recommended practice behaviors outlined in the current Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) set by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).

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Rising Above a Toxic Workplace: Taking Care of Yourself in an Unhealthy Environment

You can rise above. You do have options.

Do you work in a toxic environment or have a toxic boss? You’re not alone! Today, unattainable expectations, emotional harassment, and demands to do more with less often leave employees overworked, underpaid, insecure, and out of options. Must you continue to put up with poisonous people in a morale-crushing environment?

In Rising Above a Toxic Workplace, you’ll learn how to endure, cope, or quit if necessary. Drawing from authentic — sometimes horrific — real-life stories, authors Gary Chapman, Paul White, and Harold Myra blend their expertise to give you practical guidance, empowering insight, and realistic hope. You’ll discover:

how workplaces can become unhealthy and how to avoid getting wounded;what drives toxic leaders and why they are so damaging to those around them;essential tips for maintaining your sanity while dealing with dysfunctional colleagues; andcounsel on how to decide when to leave — for your own mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

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The Biology of Beating Stress: How Changing Your Environment, Your Body, and Your Brain Can Help You Find Balance and Peace

Stress is killing us unilaterally. All races, creeds, colors, socioeconomic groups, political parties–it does not discriminate. According to a recent study by the American Institute of Stress, 48 percent of stress sufferers say stress has a negative impact on their personal and professional lives. With an abundance of information on stress readily available on the Web and through other media outlets, people need a mediator to help them separate fact from fiction. Jeanne Ricks is that mediator.

The Biology of Beating Stress is a powerful book that gets major points about stress across in a casual way. With quick and easily digestible reference points, each page is something readers will want to return to again and again.

In addition to breathing and relaxation techniques, The Biology of Beating Stress shows readers how to make the mental shift toward not merely managing their stress, but actually using stress to their advantage!

The way we interpret our stress and its effects directly affects our health and wellness. This book:
Explains epigenetics to show how much more control you have over your health than you thought.
Describes the amazing benefits of brain wave entrainment for drug-free stress relief.
Discusses foods that help support the body when stressed.
Shows how consistent cortisol reduction techniques create a clear path to a happier, healthier, more productive, and stress-free life.

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Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment (Human Behavior in the Social Environment)

Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman’s UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT looks at lifespan through the lens of social work theory and practice, covering human development and behavior theories within the context of family, organizational, and community systems. Using a chronological lifespan approach, the book presents separate chapters on biological, psychological, and social impacts at the different lifespan stages with an emphasis on strengths and empowerment. As part of the Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series, this edition is completely up to date and thoroughly integrates the core competencies and recommended practice behaviors outlined in the 2008 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) set by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).