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Inspiration From Above: My Son Guides Me From The Afterlife

Some lights shine forever… Mario’s love for his mother continues from the other side bringing, hope, inspiration, and faith to them in beautiful scenes of a colorful and musical heaven. Mario tragically lost his life, but his spirit lives on, and he comforts his mother and shows his presence plus gives her gifts of ‘sky art’ showing her the way to peace and assuring her that he lives on. “When I have visions of my son or Heaven, there are often things that go unsaid, yet there is an understanding of the lesson. What I got from this one is that we all have an obligation to help someone else find their light again.” Jacqueline Davieau

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Rising Above a Toxic Workplace: Taking Care of Yourself in an Unhealthy Environment

You can rise above. You do have options.

Do you work in a toxic environment or have a toxic boss? You’re not alone! Today, unattainable expectations, emotional harassment, and demands to do more with less often leave employees overworked, underpaid, insecure, and out of options. Must you continue to put up with poisonous people in a morale-crushing environment?

In Rising Above a Toxic Workplace, you’ll learn how to endure, cope, or quit if necessary. Drawing from authentic — sometimes horrific — real-life stories, authors Gary Chapman, Paul White, and Harold Myra blend their expertise to give you practical guidance, empowering insight, and realistic hope. You’ll discover:

how workplaces can become unhealthy and how to avoid getting wounded;what drives toxic leaders and why they are so damaging to those around them;essential tips for maintaining your sanity while dealing with dysfunctional colleagues; andcounsel on how to decide when to leave — for your own mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

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Crash the Chatterbox: Hearing God’s Voice Above All Others

Crashing the chatterbox = Overpowering lies of insecurity, fear, condemnation, and discouragement with the promises of God.
“I used to think that someone who struggled with the kinds of weaknesses I deal with daily was useless to God. I felt so often like I was drowning in internal dialogue I couldn’t control. It had been the soundtrack of my life for as long as I could remember.

Yet everything changed when I began to realize God has given us the ability to choose the dialogue we believe and respond to. And once we learn how, we can switch from lies to truth as deliberately as we can choose the Beatles over Miley Cyrus on satellite radio.

This is the key to pressing ahead and doing God’s will anyway, even as you are bombarded with thoughts, feelings, and even facts about why you can’t do it. 

I’m now awakening to the reality that we can access the power of God’s promises to constantly crash the system of our broken beliefs. I’m learning how to overpower the shouts of the Enemy by bending my ear to the whisper of God’s supernatural truths about my identity in Him and His strength in me.”
-STEVEN FURTICK, from Crash the Chatterbox
Includes discussion questions for individuals or groups.
Inside your head and heart is a chatterbox. Its lies are keeping you from realizing your God-given potential. But what can you do about them?
The Voice You Listen to Will Determine the Future You Experience
In Crash the Chatterbox, Pastor Steven Furtick focuses on four key areas in which negative thoughts are most debilitating: insecurity, fear, condemnation, and discouragement. He asks, “What great deeds are in danger of remaining undone in your life because of lies that were planted in your past or fears that are looming in your future?”
With personal stories, inspiring examples, and practical strategies, Pastor Furtick will show you how to silence the lies and embrace the freeing affirmation of God.
Learn how to live out God’s truth no matter what is going on in your life or thoughts.
Learn how to crash the chatterbox…and hear God’s voice above all others.

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Girls Above Society – Steps to Success: An Empowerment Guide: A Teen Girl’s Guide to Confidence

Girls Above Society – Steps to Success: An Empowerment Guide written by Lauren Galley. This Teen Mentor, TV Host, Author and President of Girls Above Society takes tween and teen girls on a journey to confidence & empowerment. Growing up in today’s media driven society puts many pressures on young girls as they are discovering themselves. Making good decisions as well as maintaining positive morals and values can be a challenge as they are tugged in many directions from media such as television, media print, and celebrities. Lauren gives young girls a guide to live by as they grow into young adults. This is a must read for all tween and teen girls as well as their parents. Lauren’s insight, dedication and courage inspires us all to have a little Girl Power! For A Limited Edition Signed Copy visit

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Whispers from Above 2014 Calendar: 365 Daily Angel Inspirations

Doreen Virtue’s Whispers from Above 2014 Calendar gives you daily reminders to invite your angels into every area of your life. After all, your angels can only help you if you ask, since they won’t violate your freewill choices. Each day, you’ll read an uplifting and instructional entry to help you connect with Heaven’s wisdom, guidance, and comforting love. Whether this calendar is intended as a gift or for yourself, the angelic energy within these pages and the gorgeous illustrations will bring joy throughout the year!

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Signs From Above: Your Angels’ Messages about Your Life Purpose, Relationships, Health, and More

Your guardian angels are continually giving you messages, frequently through signs, such as seeing rainbows, repetitive number sequences, finding coins or feathers, and hearing meaningful songs.In this fascinating book, Doreen Virtue and her son Charles teach you how to understand the signs that are always around you. You’ll gain comfort from reading true stories of how angels have answered prayers by giving clear signs revealing their love and protection. You’ll also learn how to ask the angels for signs, along with specific prayers for your relationships, career, health, and other vital areas of your life.