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Disorder in the American Courts: Real Quotes from Actual Court Proceedings, 2014 Edition (Volume 1)

The quotes contained in this book are things real people actually said, word for word, under oath in legal court proceedings and are forever immortalized in the public record. While trying to be completely serious, the words escaping their mouths are anything but. It is true that lawyers and witnesses say the darndest things. Please enjoy a good laugh at their expense.

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2014 Instant Happy Notes boxed calendar

Receive a little dose of instant happiness every day with this unique, full-color boxed calendar! Each entry provides a new reason to smile, and even includes some creative ways to spread the joy. The fun illustrations, inspiring quotes, and simple affirmations give you the perfect way to brighten up your day.

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Inspiration 2014 Pocket Planner

Inspiration Pocket Planner: The lush photographs in this calendar are sure to provide joy and rejuvenate the spirit. Inspiration might come from the wise words of a friend, from music, from a book, from a dream… It can come from anywhere, but the beauty of nature is always inspiring. The spectacular nature photography in this calendar will provide plenty of inspiration in the coming year. The planner folds into a small and light 3.5″ x 6.75″ size (slightly larger than a checkbook) and opens to a 7″ x 6.75″ monthly calendar grid. Each planner has protective plastic cover with flaps for holding appointment cards, business cards or receipts. This product is ideal for vacation planning, marking birthdays or everyday scheduling. EAN: 9781465015402

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365 Cats 2014 Page-A-Day Calendar

America’s most beloved cat calendar—packed with irresistible, can’t-get-enough-of-it attitude. Starring the winners of the 2013 Cat Calendar Contest, 365 Cats offers a charming, full-color photograph on every page. A contented tiger-striped kitty warming up in front of the fire. An athletic tabby perfectly balanced on a fence post. An Ocicat face-to-face with a brave crab. Just what the cat lover ordered: cats, cats, and more cats.

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Longing for the Divine 2014 Wall Calendar (Spiritual / Inspirational Quotes + Breathtaking Photography) – Rumi, Hafiz, Chisti, and More

Selections from the 2014 edition of the “Longing for the Divine” wall calendar:

“The utter joy of the drop is to dissolve in the Ocean” (Ghazzali)

“O Beloved – Any pangs of hunger you stir, can only end in a feast” (Ansari)

“I was a hidden treasure longing to be known. So I created all that I may be known” (Sacred Tradition)

“In the market, valley, and mountain, I beheld only the Divine” (Ibn Bakuya)

“Through your deepest wound, Light enters” (Rumi)

“Be like the river in charity, the sun in affection, and the earth in hospitality” (Chisti)

… and another half dozen inspirational aphorisms from scholar-saints like Hafiz, Rumi, Hiri, Kalabadhi, Imam Ja’far, and Rabia.

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Following the success of the award-winning 2013 “Longing for the Divine” calendar, Andalusian Arts presents the 2014 edition: Twelve stunning images captured by world-class photographers of the spiritual tapestry of the Muslim world, coupled with the wisdom-words of scholar-saints such as Ghazali, Rumi, and Chisti…a colorful glimpse into the living universe of traditional Islamic spirituality. Featuring photography from Waqra, Sur, Luxor, Tunis, Rustaq, Agra, Kota Kinabula, Tripoli, Abu Dhabi, and more…

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Teachers 2014 Day-to-Day Calendar: Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

This fun and informative calendar is perfect for that favorite teacher.

Each daily page of the Teachers 2014 Day-to-Day Calendar features charming and colorful art and a quote, tip, story, or running joke like these: Quick Funnies for Busy Teachers, Handy Homework Excuses, Things Parents Won’t Tell Teachers, and Things a Teacher Wouldn’t Say. Have you ever heard a teacher say, “I know the material. I just don’t do well writing the test questions”? Not a chance!

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