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Philosophies of Spiritual Leaders: Inspiration and guidance to strengthen your relationship with God

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There is a lot going on in the world today, and spiritual leaders are needed more than ever. People are searching for the meaning of life and their Purpose, but are being turned off by organized religion. There are people protesting the funerals of fallen soldiers, and condemning unwed mothers and anyone who doesn’t live up to seemingly impossible standards, all in the name of religion. This is causing conflict in the minds of people about who God is, and whether He is a Being of condemnation or one of love. Many people think they need to clean up their lives, and become pristine and perfect before they come to God and that is simply untrue. In this book, Christy shares insights and quotes from Spiritual Leaders who have impacted millions of people around the world with their messages of love, acceptance and forgiveness. Her goal is to promote wholeness and self-love through a relationship with God. This book is for anyone who wants to know how to apply Biblical principles to their everyday life. It’s in plain language, not scriptural, and shares lessons that other leaders have learned along their journeys of life. If you want to know what leaders have struggled with in their lives, and how they are being used by God to serve others, this book is for you! Christy Rutherford is a Leadership and Success Coach and assists stressed out and overwhelmed professionals.

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3 thoughts on “Philosophies of Spiritual Leaders: Inspiration and guidance to strengthen your relationship with God

  1. I LOVE THIS BOOK!! This book will strengthen my walk with God!! Christy really put her heart and soul in this book. I admire her willingness to be transparent and open to sharing her journey. The wisdom she shares from the spiritual leaders is priceless! I will keep this book by my side at all times.

  2. Great read for the times we live in This book shares insights and quotes from Spiritual Leaders who have impacted millions of people around the world with their messages of love, acceptance and forgiveness, which during these times is MORE CRUCIAL THAN EVER! Many people struggle with the issues of self-love and a feeling of wholeness, which she explains through a relationship with God. Not only is it easy reading, but she is able to share actual real-life lessons that others have learned through their journey which proves to…

  3. A GREAT TAKE ON SPIRITUAL VIEWS So many of us believe God lives only in church when God is really already within all of us. Christy helps you understand this philosophy and the thoughts from many prominent spiritual leaders. God, The Spirit, Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah or whatever name you choose, Christy guides you through differences in philosophies, thoughts and beliefs in this book. This is a great read and will possibly surprise you with haha moments.

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