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Your Journey to Joy: Daily Value Points for Transforming Your Life

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“Your Journey to Joy: Daily Value Points for Transforming Your Life” consists of quotes and food for thought to assist readers with making changes in their lives. Whatever an individual may be facing – good or perhaps not as good as they’d hoped, the goal of this book is to provide readers a few seeds of inspiration that will keep them encouraged as they read and help identify and address what might not be well serving to position them for greater blessings in life. Also at the end of the book, there are “Coach Valencia’s Go 4th” questions to empower the reader to take action even after they’ve finished reading. These thought provoking questions are designed to help provide some guidance on getting individuals closer to the place they’ve been divinely created to be.

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1 thought on “Your Journey to Joy: Daily Value Points for Transforming Your Life

  1. Thoughtful Offered some points to ponder. Most are thoughts that have been presented elsewhere in my reading. Familiar Quotes with only occasional unique (previously unknown) entries

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