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Rosh Hashanah Readings: Inspiration, Information and Contemplation

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A powerful collection of writings about Rosh Hashanah that will add depth and holiness to your experience of the spiritual New Year.

This compelling companion to Yom Kippur Readings helps create a bridge between the words of our ancestors and the meanings, themes and ideas that are the central spiritual agenda of the life of the modern Jew.

Drawn from a variety of sources—ancient, medieval, modern, Jewish and non-Jewish—this selection of readings, prayers and insights explores the opportunities for inspiration and reflection inherent in the subjects addressed on the Jewish New Year: sin, repentance, personal and social change, societal justice, forgiveness, spiritual growth, living with joy and hope, commitment to high ideals, becoming our truest and most authentic selves, deepening our capacity to love and savoring the divine gift of life. These readings enable you to enter into the spirit of Rosh Hashanah and the Days of Awe in a personal and powerful way while they uplift and inform. They will add to the benefits of your High Holy Day experience year after year.

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2 thoughts on “Rosh Hashanah Readings: Inspiration, Information and Contemplation

  1. A superb companion volume to Elkins’ previous title, “Yom Kippur Readings”. Edited by Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins, Rosh Hashanah Readings: Inspiration Information Contemplation is an anthology of writings by esteemed Jewish religious leaders and scholars, meant to be experienced and shared during the High Holy Days that mark the Jewish New Year, and the accompanying challenge of faith to undertake spiritual and moral self-examination. Most individual passages are brief, only a few paragraphs long, and therefore suitable to be read aloud at gatherings and celebrations, or…

  2. A wonderful preparation for the High Holy days 0

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