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Yom Kippur Readings: Inspiration, Information and Contemplation

A powerful collection of writings about Yom Kippur that will add spiritual depth and holiness to your experience of the Day of Atonement.

As Rosh Hashanah ends and you look ahead to Yom Kippur, what do you think about? The familiar melody of Kol Nidre? The long hours of fasting? The days of self-examination? You know that the Day of Atonement is the holiest on the Jewish calendar, but sometimes it just feels long, tiresome and devoid of personal meaning. The readings in this book are for anyone seeking a deeper level of personal reflection and spiritual intimacy―and a clearer understanding of just what makes Yom Kippur so holy.

Drawn from a variety of sources―ancient, medieval, modern, Jewish and non-Jewish―this selection of readings, prayers and insights explores the opportunities for inspiration and reflection inherent in the themes addressed on the Day of Atonement: sin, forgiveness, repentance, spiritual growth, and being at one with self, family, community and God. These readings enable you to enter into the spirit of Yom Kippur in a personal and powerful way while they uplift and inform. They will add to the benefits of your High Holy Day experience year after year.

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Rosh Hashanah Readings: Inspiration, Information and Contemplation

A powerful collection of writings about Rosh Hashanah that will add depth and holiness to your experience of the spiritual New Year.

This compelling companion to Yom Kippur Readings helps create a bridge between the words of our ancestors and the meanings, themes and ideas that are the central spiritual agenda of the life of the modern Jew.

Drawn from a variety of sources—ancient, medieval, modern, Jewish and non-Jewish—this selection of readings, prayers and insights explores the opportunities for inspiration and reflection inherent in the subjects addressed on the Jewish New Year: sin, repentance, personal and social change, societal justice, forgiveness, spiritual growth, living with joy and hope, commitment to high ideals, becoming our truest and most authentic selves, deepening our capacity to love and savoring the divine gift of life. These readings enable you to enter into the spirit of Rosh Hashanah and the Days of Awe in a personal and powerful way while they uplift and inform. They will add to the benefits of your High Holy Day experience year after year.

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Affirmations for the Everyday Goddess Spiritual Guidebook and 22 Wisdom Cards for Contemplation and Prayer

“The Affirmations for Everyday Goddess Spiritual Guidebook and 22 Wisdom Cards for Contemplation and Prayer” deck set is a valuable tool for inner guidance or powerful tarot-style readings for personal and spiritual growth. Whether you are a spiritual seeker, tarot practitioner or woman of any age you will find more clarity about your highest potential to create a more meaningful and joyful life. This set will help you translate mystical guidance into everyday practical terms that can be used to improve the quality of your life. Wide-ranging quotations from many spiritual and religious traditions demonstrate the universal power and relevance of using the Affirmations as a tool for inner guidance. Beautiful boxed set includes 23 oversized, custom fine art cards by author and artist Pamela Wells, 120-page Spiritual Guidebook and a Wisdom Prayer Guide card. Simplify and focus your inquiry by using the 22 most powerful archetypal cards in the tarot for any combination of insights. By using the Wisdom Cards to guide you and direct your focus you will be able to learn new ways of perceiving life’s challenges, heal your overdependence of other’s opinions, take more personal responsibility and give yourself permission to grow and change. Throughout the Spiritual Guidebook you will find many names for God: the Divine, Eternal Self and so on. God is the primary name used in Western cultures and so for editorial consistency will primarily be used here. Please feel free to substitute the name of God which you most resonate.