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The Mother’s Wisdom Deck: A 52-Card Inspiration Deck with Guidebook

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Moms always appreciate some loving guidance, wisdom, and support—and that’s what they’ll find in this beautiful kit. A full-color book accompanies an illustrated deck of 52 cards featuring archetypes of empowered motherhood arranged into four suits: Nature Mother, Animal Mother, Ancestral Mother, and Divine Mother. Use them like tarot to reveal a message or to receive inspiration and insight for your lifelong journey.

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3 thoughts on “The Mother’s Wisdom Deck: A 52-Card Inspiration Deck with Guidebook

  1. An Amazing Tool for Mindful (and not-so-mindful) Mamas I had the great privilege to learn about The Mother’s Wisdom Deck at a Sacred Pregnancy retreat and training from the author, Niki, who was also in the training with me. I was grateful to learn how to use the deck first hand when Niki sat with me and walked me through the Harmonizing Spread. This experience was a quiet time when I could sit and reflect on my life and what was already in me, but maybe needed to be woken up or pondered on. As a Sacred Pregnancy instructor, I will have the…

  2. A wonderful gift to us moms A friend recently gave me this beautiful deck and book. My only regret is that I didn’t have it when my children were young! I am especially fascinated by the section called ‘Ancestral Mother’ where female icons from many divergent cultures are represented and their unique stories and wisdom illuminated. I know I will use this wonderful resource often, even though my children are adults now. We never stop mothering, do we?

  3. This deck and book are for all of us, for we are all mothers! While I have used a variety of divination decks over many years–Tarot, animal wisdom, various medicine decks, angel cards, I Ching, runes, etc.–this beautifully written and illustrated deck and book are refreshingly unique. Using a single card or one of the illustrated spreads, I am provided with remarkable insight and encouragement. It is user friendly, offering rubber-hits-the-road practical assistance for being in choice and strength with the issues of the day. It is titled, The Mother’s…

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