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Spark the motivation in your gifted child or student! Keep them eager and excited at home and in the classroom!

Gifted children are susceptible to many de-motivating factors, which can lead to depression and academic underachievement. The authors present concepts and techniques to counteract those factors, allowing a child’s motivation to skyrocket.

Features the Four C’s of Motivation:
~Creating Challenge
~Creating Control
~Creating Commitment
~Creating Compassion

This new book, with a foreword by Dr. Joanne Rand Whitmore Schwartz, also includes additional resources, books and websites for parents and teachers.

Product Features

  • A Love for Learning Motivation and the Gifted Child

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3 thoughts on "A Love for Learning: Motivation and the Gifted Child"

  1. Wendy A. Skinner says:

    One of the best written books aimed at caretakers of GT kids I just finished reading A Love for Learning and feel it would definitely be a valuable addition to anyone’s library on issues with parenting and teaching gifted children. It is one of the best written and well organized books aimed at the caretakers of gifted kids that I’ve come across. I appreciate the chapter summaries, the carefully selected anecdotes, and the breadth and depth of its content. My one turn-off is the use of the word motivation in the title and the chapter headings. My first…

  2. Lorel Shea says:

    practical and thought-provoking Carol Strip Whitney and Gretchen Hirsch have done an exceptional job at outlining major and minor impediments to motivation in their book, A Love For Learning Motivation and the Gifted Child. A key line in the preface is, “Gifted children can and do learn everywhere; the trick is to maintain their motivation to learn in school.” Gifted underachievement is a widespread problem. Too few gifted children are adequately challenged and taught how to strive and work toward appropriate goals. This is…

  3. Rosa Lester says:

    … many sticky notes in it that I figured I better buy it I borrowed this from the library and put so many sticky notes in it that I figured I better buy it!

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