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Fitness Motivation: The little book of fitness tricks that will help you get and stay motivated!

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Do Something Today That Your Future Self Will Thank You For! If you want to get in shape you need to get motivated and stay motivated! Most of us want to be healthier than we are today. Who among us hasn’t started a new fitness or diet plan with all the enthusiasm in the world only to give up a short time later? The reason this happens is that we lack motivation, or, more specifically, our motivation surges and ebbs like the tides. If your goal is to get fit and lose weight the key is to maintain a certain level of fitness motivation so that you can keep moving forward. When I was overweight in High School I battled with my weight as well. It was only when I started exploring the science of motivation, what it is exactly, that I started to make progress towards my fitness goals. Everything I have learned I have put in this book. Here are just some of the tips and tricks I discovered and you will learn when you read my book: The importance of the small things How to use a motivational ladder The dangers of giving yourself rewards The value of using motivational videos How to create positive habits Whatever goals you want to achieve, be they fitness or otherwise, the key is finding and maintaining the motivation necessary to keep moving forward. If you have ever struggled with maintaining a fitness or diet plan I believe my little book can help you. The ideas it presents worked for me and I know they can word for you too. Read my book and start walking boldly towards your fitness goals today! A new you awaits!

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