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Have you thought about writing a book? Do you just not know where to begin? Do you get writer’s block just thinking about writing a book? Best-selling non-fiction author David Kadavy shares his simple process for writing a book. Build confidence, ditch your inner critic, and finally write your book with simple habits you can start today. You can read this short read (~7,000 words) in under an hour, so it won’t get in the way of the one thing standing between you and your book: Action! Download today and make the book you’ve dreamed of a reality.

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One thought on "How to Write a Book: An 11-Step Process to Build Habits, Stop Procrastinating, Fuel Self-Motivation, Quiet Your Inner Critic, Bust Through Writer’s Block, & Let Your Creative Juices Flow (Short Read)"

  1. Mary Campbell says:

    Fun to read, easy to follow… I bet you’ll plunge into writing your book as soon as you finish How to Write a Book. David Kadavy has such a natural, free-flowing writing style, it’s easy to believe that the book sprang full-fledged from his mind, like Athena out of Zeus’s skull. If you read How to Write a Book–and I recommend you do just that–you’ll find that he actually has a well-defined method and his books go through at least two drafts before the final version is ready to publish. How to Write a Book is readable, practical, and motivational. The author doesn’t make the process seem hopelessly complex…

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