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Inspiration for Student Leaders™: Encouragement, Humor & Motivation for Student Leaders by Student Leaders

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Stories of Encouragement, Humor and Motivation by Student Leaders for Student Leaders. This collection of stories and reflections from college student leaders across America will help you to lead yourself so you can lead others.

$1.00 of every book sold will be donated to NACA. This is book number three of The Inspiration Book Series. Other titles include, Inspiraiton for Resident Assistants, Inspiration for Greeks, Inspiration for LGBT Students & Their Allies, Inspiration for New Students, Inspiration for Student Affairs Professionals and Inspiration for International Students.

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2 thoughts on “Inspiration for Student Leaders™: Encouragement, Humor & Motivation for Student Leaders by Student Leaders

  1. Need Something uplifting? While there are certainly MANY books on leadership and developing student leaders there are few that offer stories of inspiration and hope that allow the reader to draw his/her own conclusions. This book presents examples of all types of leadership and leaders from the celebrated to the unknown. Each story highlights the every day opportunities to achieve and learn. There is potential for trainers to use the stories as reflection for group exercises or to motivate campus organizations. There are stories to reflect on each students personal responsibility within an organization and the many rewards of participation in campus life. It’s a great book for the new leader and a reminder to the seasoned veteran of the importance of each action and choice we make-and how profoundly we can positively change the campus community and each other.

  2. Long on wisdom, short in length! Inspiration for Student Leaders is a concise, intelligent read, ideal for both students and professional staff who work with student leaders. Stories, poems, quick quotes and other works combine to make this publication live up to its goal of inspiring student leaders. Student Activities professional should give this book to incoming student leaders to help them broaden their perspectives on leadership. Established student leaders whose energy may be waning, can draw encouragement from the passages written by other students. This book should be on the resource shelf in every Student Union in America.

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