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The Runner’s Book of Daily Inspiration : A Year of Motivation, Revelation, and Instruction

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Sometimes it is hard to go that extra mile or run for more minutes than the day before. Even the most dedicated runner needs an extra push. The Runner’s Book of Daily Inspiration uses positive thinking, humor, and practical training advice coupled with a daily affirmation or resolution to give runners reinforcement and support on those lazy, rainy, or otherwise uninspired days.

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3 thoughts on “The Runner’s Book of Daily Inspiration : A Year of Motivation, Revelation, and Instruction

  1. The Runner’s Book of Daily Inspiration This book was given to me as a gift. Being a “novice runner” of two years, I found this book to be very motivational. It is very intuitive on the thoughts of runners and some of the obstacles runners may encounter and how to get beyond those barriers. I have thought it such an excellent book that I am suprised it is not readily stocked and available for 24 hour shipping, especially during the holiday season. You know us last minute shoppers. Great gift idea for the novice or avid runner in your life if you can find a copy of it in time.

  2. Great for runners A daily dose of inspiration for the runner so that when there is sideways rain at 4:30 in the morning and you don’t want to get your butt out of bed you can read you daily page that makes you get out and run. Damn you book! My bed was so comfortable.Of course I felt awesome after I finished my run:)

  3. A Book to Push you Through it All The Runner’s Book of Daily Inspiration:A Year of Motivation, Revelation, and Instruction is most likely the best investment I have ever made. Last year, I made a resoltion to myself to get in shape, eat healthy, and basically be a fit person inside and out. This is not a very easy resolution to fulfill, as I soon found out. It was my plan to run at least 3 times a week, and supplement it with another form of aerobic exercise. Very quickly, I lost my motivation, and was not living up to my expectations. I came upon this book soon afterwards, and tried to regain my motivation. After restarting my exercise program along with reading this book, I am now running every day of the week, rain or shine, hot or cold, I run through it all, all due this very book. If you buy one book in your life, buy Catcher in the Rye. But if you buy two, buy this one too!

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