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The 7 Hidden Secrets of Motivation: Unlocking the Genius Within (Your Coach in a Box)

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2 thoughts on “The 7 Hidden Secrets of Motivation: Unlocking the Genius Within (Your Coach in a Box)

  1. Lots of reference and not much content I was quite excited while listening to the first 2 parts of the CD series, when Todd promised that he can increase the listener’s motivation and gave numerous references to back up his claims. These references seemed very reputable, they include Peter Drucker, Steve Covey and numerous famous psychologists such as Jung and Marslow.Well, that is as far as he goes, dropping names. When I carefully listened to what he said he actually didn’t quite answer the real question here: how to…

  2. THE Missing Link If you have done a lot of self help, and didnt take any action get this book. This man learned from the best in the marketing industry, people who influenced millions to spend billions. He truly understands what is needed to create the drive inside of you to CAUSE action.I say CAUSE because if you follow the program dilligently, and listen actively, you wont have to MAKE yourself take action. It will just happen as a natural process of your new thinking. Heres an example;…

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