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Master Thyself! Unlocking the Secrets of Control, Wealth, and Power

This expanded deluxe edition adds to the best-selling Hail Thyself, Unlocking the Secrets of Control, Wealth, and Power. Learn all of this and more: perfect the thought process of how you see the world as self-control comes before controlling others, and building self-esteem We do judge a book by its cover, so included are tips on appearance, the use of scent and color psychology to manipulate those around you.  This volume adds more exercises on developing confidence, positive attitude building, interview skills, how to recognize weaknesses to turn them into strengths. Also discussed is how to overcome failure, wealth building and how to keep it once your work pays off, from wealth to generosity and greatly expanding the older ending on power, a modern Machiavellian ideal of when and how to be ruthless. Many quotes and life lessons from successful people on money, power, and happiness from Will Smith, Gene Simmons, Bill Gates, Mark Cuban, Warren Buffett, Oprah, Winfrey, J.K. Rowling, Napoleon Hill, and Dale Carnegie that have relevance today. Learn how to get out of your own way and live a full and happy life.

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Inspiration for Songwriters: Tips and Tricks to Unlocking the Muse

“Inspiration for Songwriters: Tips and Tricks to Unlocking the Muse” is not your typical book about songwriting. It does not explain how to write, publish, pitch, promote or record your next song. There are already dozens of songwriting books covering those subjects. What “Inspiration for Songwriters” provides is something few other songwriting books offer, and in our humble opinion, does it much better than the few similar titles on the market. It provides thousands of inspirational ideas that could very well be the seeds to your next song! All in all, “Inspiration for Songwriters: Tips and Tricks to Unlocking the Muse” includes over 2000 titles, tips, tricks and other ideas that will inspire you to create song after song.

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The Soul of Leadership: Unlocking Your Potential for Greatness

Leadership is the most crucial choice one can make—it is the decision to step out of darkness into the light.
   Bestselling author and spiritual guide Deepak Chopra invites you to become the kind of leader most needed today: a leader with vision who can make that vision real. Chopra has been teaching leadership to CEOs and other top executives for eight years, and the path outlined in The Soul of Leadership applies to any business, but the same principles are relevant in every community and area of life, from family and home to school, place of worship, and neighborhood. “At the deepest level,” Chopra writes, “a leader is the symbolic soul of a group.”
   With clear, practical steps, you are led through the crucial skills outlined in the acronym L-E-A-D-E-R-S:
L = Look and Listen
E = Emotional Bonding
A = Awareness
D = Doing
E = Empowerment
R = Responsibility
S = Synchronicity
   After identifying your own soul profile and the core values you want to develop, you can use these seven skills to allow your potential for greatness to emerge. Only from the level of the soul, Chopra contends, are great leaders created. Once that connection
is made, you have unlimited access to the most vital qualities a leader can possess: creativity, intelligence, organizing power, and love.
   The Soul of Leadership aims to fill the most critical void in contemporary life, the void of enlightened leaders. “You can be such a leader,” Chopra promises. “The path is open to you. The only requirement is that you learn to listen to your inner guide.” In this unique handbook you are shown how to do just that, in words as practical as they are uplifting. The future is unfolding at this very minute, and the choice to lead it lies with each of us, here and now.

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