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The Mental Game of Poker: Proven Strategies for Improving Tilt Control, Confidence, Motivation, Coping with Variance, and More.

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The mental game may be more important in poker than in any other form of competition. It’s one of the only games in the world where you can play perfectly and lose-again and again. Hundreds of poker players have turned to mental game coach Jared Tendler’s revolutionary approach to help them play their best, no matter how badly they’re running. In this book you’ll find simple, step-by-step instructions and proven techniques to permanently fix problems such as tilt, handling variance, emotional control, confidence, fear, and motivation. With the games getting tougher, now is the time to take these problems head on.
*Discover the most definitive work on tilt ever released.
*Read stories from eight players who made major improvements using Jared’s techniques.
*Get motivated with methods used by SuperNova Elites.

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2 thoughts on “The Mental Game of Poker: Proven Strategies for Improving Tilt Control, Confidence, Motivation, Coping with Variance, and More.

  1. Please do not buy this book A complete treatise on the correct way to think for every aspect of the game.Rather than just being a book you can read and know everything, this gives you the tools to work by yourself on yourself to be able to continually improve including aspects such as motivation to learn.In short, now that I have it, I want no one else to get it too.

  2. This book is extremely important for my poker career. I worked with Jared over 2 years ago. I’ve been playing the game for a long time, but never really excelled at it. I was a winner, but I had major, major tilt problems. I mean… I had sessions where I would sit and lose 40 buyins in a straight 12-24 hr session. It was so stressful and emotionally draining for me because poker was my dream and I didn’t want to keep working a crappy desk job. I was really putting myself through hell.Out of desperation, I tried everything, read…

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