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This extraordinary book is powerfully offered by a group of teachers who call themselves Abraham. They express clearly and simply the laws of the universe, explaining in detail how we can deliberately flow with these laws for the joyful creation of whatever we desire. Abraham describes this as the time of awakening, explaining that each of us chose, with very deliberate intent, this specific time of great change to participate in this physical experience. This is an empowering, life-changing book that will assist you in seeing your personal life experience as you have never seen it before.

The breakthrough book that started a worldwide interest in Abraham-Hicks. A New Beginning I explains in simple terms the eye-opening fundamentals of living a life of health, wealth and happiness. Readers love the practical ideas of Abraham. In the tradition of Jane Robert’s Seth Material, this refreshing new book reveals a unique blend of new-age thought with the Western desire for more. An inspiring self-help classic that gets results.

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2 thoughts on "A New Beginning I: Handbook for Joyous Survival"

  1. Dar "Dar" says:

    Be, Do or Have ANYTHING! “There is nothing you cannot be, do or have” pretty much sums up the Abraham teachings perfectly.

  2. Phillip J. Brown says:

    A goldmine of truth After scouring new age book stores for years, and reading literally hundreds of books, I happened on this book (and Vol. 2) and I honestly say my life has changed for the better in so many ways. This is absolutely the most workable, practical sky-is-the-limit philosophy I’ve ever encountered. And thankfully every word of it has translated into whole new vistas of joy in my life (and about 20 other friends who I have turned on to it). I have watched it change lives when applied even to a small degree. If you want new age dogma, or complicated ritual and significance, go elsewhere. If you want something that works (and it’s easy and fun!) THIS IS IT.

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