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Are you searching for deeper meaning and purpose in your life? Do you sense that you have an inner wisdom that can be a guiding force for you, yet wonder how to connect with that intuitive self? How do you know which inner voices to listen to?

For over thirty years, Shakti Gawain has helped readers address these questions. Living in the Light has given literally millions of people clear and gentle guidance to create a new way of life — one in which we listen to our intuition and rely on it as a guiding force. The key lies in bringing the light of our awareness to every aspect of ourselves, including our disowned energies — our shadow side.

With great insight and clarity, Shakti shows us the transformative power of bringing awareness to every part of ourselves. Simple yet powerful exercises on subjects including creativity, relationships, parenting, health, money, and transforming the world help us put these teachings to practical use in our daily lives.

Living in the Light is a comprehensive map to growth, fulfillment, and consciousness. As we grapple with personal, national, and global challenges on many fronts, this classic work is timelier than ever.

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2 thoughts on "Living in the Light: Follow Your Inner Guidance to Create a New Life and a New World"

  1. karenbinda says:

    Living in the Light 25years On I first discovered “Creative Visualization” by Shakti Gawain 25years ago, at a time in my life when the wisdom and pratical applications in the book turned my life around. “Living in the Light” by Shakti Gawain gave me a deeper understanding and more exercises, meditations and affirmations to apply to everyday life. 25years on, and my own personal visualizations of living in a mudbrick house on a beautiful 25acres with a loving partner has manifested in my life……and so much more. I have “Reflections in the Light” Shakti Gawain by my bed and read the daily thoughts and affirmations. All Shakti Gawain’s books are a perfect example of how powerful and life-changing the written word can be. Thank you Shakti from the bottom of my heart. Karenbinda – Australia

  2. Bill Gallagher says:

    A Classic of Genre Living in the Light is not for everyone. If you’re someone who looks to the scientific method as a validation for whether something is true or not, you’re likely to be frustrated with this book. If, however, you’re someone who likes to view the world with a sense of magic, then you’ll likely enjoy it. As Shakti writes after in her preface about her first experience with psychic intuition, “I remember thinking, `Ever since I was a child I have always known that there is magic – that somehow, somewhere magic really exists. This seems like the closest thing to it that I’ve ever heard of.'”What I like about the book is that even if you don’t believe that the universe manifests itself according to what we really need to learn, there are still valuable lessons. (In defense of at least a “soft defense” of the idea that the universe does unfold as we need it to, even if events are unwanted, since there is always something for us to learn, we are always presented with the…

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