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1,000 Quotes For Writers: …inspiration for your creative writing

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Being a writer is one of the most rewarding, and most difficult, professions a person can pursue. Writers can work for years without any reward other than intrinsic satisfaction. Negative criticism and non-supportive family/friends intensify the frustration a writer feels so that, at times, it’s almost impossible to keep that inner flame of creativity burning…. This is where 1,000 Quotes For Writers comes in. Compiled specifically to inspire your writing and fire your imagination — whether you write short stories, poetry, scripts, novels, nonfiction, blogs, or post daily on social media. The 298-page volume is divided into 60+ categories with more than a dozen quotes in each to match your mood, spur you to break through a writing block, discover new ideas for plot/setting/characters/resolution…or just sit down and read random pages, reacquainting yourself with lines from a fabulous array of authors… Rumi, Tolstoy, Dumas, Chekhov, Jong, Shaw, Wilder, O’Neill, Cocteau, Ionesco, Frost, Schiller, the Brontes, Babel, Gogol, Dostoyevsky, Milosz, Atwood, Angelou, Plath…and dozens of others. The quotes are categorized under: solitude, imagination, what is past, soldiers, death, war, the Victorians, the British, the Americans, the French, the Russians, the Germans, life & hope, truths, women, happiness, winter, summer, friends, always reading…, the poets, the dramatists, the novelists, dark, light…. and many, many more. Seamus Heaney said, “If you have the words, there’s always a chance that you’ll find the way.” 1,000 Quotes For Writers will help you find those words and light your way. Available in paperback and Kindle editions, this volume is a fantastic addition to any writer’s library and makes a wonderful gift for other writers you know. Words flow with inspiration and encouragement especially from friends and those we trust. If you buy this paperback edition on, the ebook version is free! 1,000 Quotes For Writers is a companion volume to Crassus Media’s paperback Calendar Series (also sold on Amazon worldwide): 2017 Calendar For Writers and 2017 Calendar For Romance Writers; and, the Writers Journal Series The calendars function as writing planners and contain pages of inspiring quotes (less than a dozen are repeated in 1,000 Quotes For Writers).

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1 thought on “1,000 Quotes For Writers: …inspiration for your creative writing

  1. It’s that good! There are a myriad of words to describe this book including inspirational, creative, informative, enlightening, diverse and thought provoking to name a few. I applaud the author for her dedication to the correctness of the quotes and their authors as well as the overwhelming amount of work that had to go into compiling the profound quotes that are between the covers of this book. I will never quote a quote again without thinking about who it came from and this inspirational read. 

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