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Anything is Possible: Thought-Provoking Quotes to Inspire Your Mind

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Lorenzo Victory was only a child when he made the decision to live his life by caring for others. When he reached adulthood, this decision would open him up to a deeper understanding of the trials and struggles of his life. Lorenzo was born with neurofibromatosis, an illness that resulted in tumors and nodules all over his body. As a child, this illness and its physical symptoms caused him difficulties with both adults and other children. It became his greatest obstacle early in life, following him into adulthood and eventually putting his life in jeopardy in the form of a brain tumor. Even so, it couldn’t hold him back. In Anything Is Possible, Lorenzo shares his inspiring story of success despite adversity in order to encourage others facing their own challenges. He also provides many original and inspirational positive quotes, designed to offer encouragement and motivation to anyone facing obstacles. Regardless of your circumstances, Lorenzo believes you can accomplish anything you believe you can. With confidence and motivation, anything is possible.

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1 thought on “Anything is Possible: Thought-Provoking Quotes to Inspire Your Mind

  1. Awe Inspiring I found this book, and it really made my day. It was awe inspiring, and provoked many thoughts, such as, “How would I have handled this?”What a special person Lorenzo must be!I highly recommend this read!Diana

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