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As A Man Thinketh: Of James Allen, In Rhyme

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3 thoughts on “As A Man Thinketh: Of James Allen, In Rhyme

  1. Beautiful book I read about this book in Ray Wylie Hubbard’s memoir. He said this book had a big influence on his life. I understand why! In current terminology, it’s a book about The Law of Attraction. In ancient thought, it could have been written by Buddha. Buddha said, “we are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure joy, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.”

  2. Happiness and joy comes from good morals We need such wisdom, in order to make our lifes worth living! Happiness and joy comes from good morals. Very fit for combining Christianity with the beautiful truths of the East, India in particular. I love him! 

  3. but very disappointed! This book did not have all the content of the original. There was a paragraph missing and some words missing. p16 needs an “a” at the end of line 11. p18 needs the word ‘kinds’ inserted between “all” and “crystallize” on line 15. p34 needs to add “ing” to the word “see” on line 13. These corrections may seem insignificant but I had to read the original, comparing page by page to this new edition, and then correct all nine copies purchased. I give these…

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