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History’s Most Quotable Quotes About Sex

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HISTORY’S MOST QUOTABLE QUOTES ABOUT SEX is a literary dedication to the ancient practice of sex. Within these 182 pages of hilarious quips, discover what over 300 of history’s esteemed thinkers, politicians and celebrities had to say about the rarely spoken. All 53 chapter illustrations are as unique as the quotes and the people who said them. A laugh-out-loud read you won’t forget.

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3 thoughts on “History’s Most Quotable Quotes About Sex

  1. Loved it! Absolutely hilarious. Loved it!

  2. Such a fun read and a fun addition to the right dinner … What a clever little book! Such a fun read and a fun addition to the right dinner party.

  3. Entertaining “Men are like pay phones. Some of them take your money. Most of them don’t work, and when you find one that does, someone else is on it.”‐ Catherine Franco (in the Male vs Female chapter)haha, this is creative. Some are legitimate quotes about sex, others are normal quotes that are hilarious when read in the context of the book.

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