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The Spartans: 300 Quotes, Facts and Sayings of History’s Greatest Warriors.

Discover the Fascinating Way of Life of History’s Most Elite Soldiers, The Spartans.

The Spartans. The famous warrior society of ancient Greece. Renowned for their ferocity in battle, rigid self-discipline, and their legendary wit and terseness. These rugged, crimson clad soldiers knew a lifestyle that few of us today could imagine or endure. Both Spartan men and woman, from the day they were born, to their often early deaths, constantly trained their bodies and minds to be as hard and immovable as stone.

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History’s Most Quotable Quotes About Sex

HISTORY’S MOST QUOTABLE QUOTES ABOUT SEX is a literary dedication to the ancient practice of sex. Within these 182 pages of hilarious quips, discover what over 300 of history’s esteemed thinkers, politicians and celebrities had to say about the rarely spoken. All 53 chapter illustrations are as unique as the quotes and the people who said them. A laugh-out-loud read you won’t forget.