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Infamous Quotes Notorious Notes: Wisdoms, Oneliners, and Other Inspired Insolence

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Notorious notes, infamous quotes, Dorianisms, wisdoms, oneliners, and other inspired insolence.

Dadoisms Insightful and Inciteful Hardy Har-monickers Lamentations and Indignations Beatitudes and Dirty Bomb-bast Hedonic Chutzpah Lascivious Lampoon Absolute and Absurd Rancorous Recompense Clusterous Copulation of Curiosities Polemic Politics Guerrilla Gospel Impetuous Considerations Obsessive Compulsive Retribution Syntactic Terrorism Zealous Zingers Dead Man Talking

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2 thoughts on “Infamous Quotes Notorious Notes: Wisdoms, Oneliners, and Other Inspired Insolence

  1. This book is not for the faint of heart as he exposes his mind and soul and sometimes its not pretty but I already knew ‘what makes him tick’ and … Having known Dorian since he was 12 I was quite excited about his book of musings, etc. He has shared his thoughts with me over the years which I have treasured. This book is not for the faint of heart as he exposes his mind and soul and sometimes its not pretty but I already knew ‘what makes him tick’ and that’s why I care for and about him. He is kind-hearted, loving, dedicated to those in his sphere, smart, savvy, thoughtful, quick witted, full of sarcasm and irreverent at times. There is…

  2. Tongue in Cheek – Please Take A Peek Wonderful book of Dorian’s wit, deep thoughts, sarcasm, betrayal, and so much more. I’ve known him most of my life; and, in this book, is the reflection of a life both hoped for and unexpected. He does not hold back and gives his quotes, notes, one-liners and insolence with the same level of brilliance I’ve known him for. As you’ll see from his writings, even when being sarcastic, he makes you chuckle; other written expressions will make you laugh outright and go “yeah”, and some…

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