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Pocket Kanye Wisdom: Witty Quotes and Wise Words from Kanye West

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“I am God’s vessel. But my greatest pain in life is that I will never beable to see myself perform live.”I feel like I’m too busy writing history to read it.”If you have the opportunity to play this game of life you need toappreciate every moment. A lot of people don’t appreciate the momentuntil it’s passed.”I don’t know what’s better: gettin’ laid or gettin’ paid.”Uncredited inventor of leather jogging bottoms, husband to KimKardashian, rapper, songwriter, record producer and notoriousinterrupter of Grammy acceptance speeches – Kanye West has a lot ofwisdom to share with the world.Renowned for his outrageous self-confidence, his shameless honesty,and his sometimes downright astonishing remarks, Kanye West hassomething to say on everything – from music, fashion and sex tomortality, creativity and even fur pillows.In Pocket Kanye Wisdom, Kanye’s best quotes have been compiledinto a handy pocket-sized edition, perfect for reading on the go.Whether you’re in need of an injection of self-confidence, some styleadvice, or just a good laugh at some shocking proclamations, this isthe book for you.

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