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Quote Me on It: Quote It Till You Know It Say It Till You See It

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Quote Me on It is the manifestation of what God can do if you believe. There is a blessing on the other side of through. Quote Me on It is that blessing. All quotes were divinely inspired. Brenda only wrote what she heard from the throne. I pray that it will bless you as much as it has blessed me.

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2 thoughts on “Quote Me on It: Quote It Till You Know It Say It Till You See It

  1. Do yourself a favor and buy this book! It … Do yourself a favor and buy this book! It will keep you balanced as you encounter the hills and valleys in life and remind you are not on this journey alone. We all need encouragement, get yours!

  2. A Definite Keepsake This is indeed a book that won’t be placed on the shelf. It is one that I know I will go back to many times – one that I will “quote it till I know it”. Much lev to you my sister. Thomasena B. Adams, Ph.D., NBCT

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