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Science: Quotes from the Most Successful Scientists of all Time

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We often forget to think about those who walked this road before us and created many of the techniques we use. Without their contributions, it’s difficult to imagine where we would be. With that said, here’s my way of giving thanks and showing appreciation to all those who came before us in the field of science and to help inspire other people out there trying to do great things now; famous words from famous scientists. 1. Albert Einstein 2. Charles Darwin 3. Isaac Newton 4. Sigmund Freud 5. Thomas Edison 6. Aristotle 7. Leonardo Da Vinci 8. William Herschel 9. Archimedes 10. James Prescott Joule Those who shaped our world of science and our understanding of reality. Since their science will never be forgotten, so should their words of advice be remembered. Quotes Series Business: Quotes from the Most Successful Entrepreneurs of all Time. Artist: Quotes from the Most Successful Painters of all Time. Politics: Quotes from the Most Successful Politicians of all Time.

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1 thought on “Science: Quotes from the Most Successful Scientists of all Time

  1. An awesome collection of quotes I am a huge fan of science. Though I don’t study it as vigorously as I did when I was younger, I still love reading about it once in a while. 

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