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Science: Quotes from the Most Successful Scientists of all Time

We often forget to think about those who walked this road before us and created many of the techniques we use. Without their contributions, it’s difficult to imagine where we would be. With that said, here’s my way of giving thanks and showing appreciation to all those who came before us in the field of science and to help inspire other people out there trying to do great things now; famous words from famous scientists. 1. Albert Einstein 2. Charles Darwin 3. Isaac Newton 4. Sigmund Freud 5. Thomas Edison 6. Aristotle 7. Leonardo Da Vinci 8. William Herschel 9. Archimedes 10. James Prescott Joule Those who shaped our world of science and our understanding of reality. Since their science will never be forgotten, so should their words of advice be remembered. Quotes Series Business: Quotes from the Most Successful Entrepreneurs of all Time. Artist: Quotes from the Most Successful Painters of all Time. Politics: Quotes from the Most Successful Politicians of all Time.

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Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work

The authors of the best-selling Bold and The Rise of Superman explore altered states of consciousness and how they can ignite passion, fuel creativity, and accelerate problem solving, in this groundbreaking book in the vein of Daniel Pink’s Drive and Charles Duhigg’s Smarter Faster Better.

Why has generating “flow” and getting “into the zone” become the goal of the world’s most elite organizations? Why are business moguls attending Burning Man? Why has meditation become a billion-dollar industry? Why are technology gurus turning to psychedelic drugs to unlock creativity?

All of these people are seeking to shift their state of mind as a way of unlocking their true potential. Altered states, the authors reveal, sharpen our decision-making capabilities, unleash creativity, fuel cooperation, and let us tap in to levels of inspiration and innovation unavailable at all other times. Stealing Fire combines cutting-edge research and firsthand reporting to explore a revolution in human performance – a movement millions of people strong to harness and utilize some of the most misunderstood and controversial experiences in history.

Building a bridge between the extreme and the mainstream, this groundbreaking and provocative book examines how the world’s top performers – the Navy SEALS, Googlers, Fortune 100 CEOs – are using altered states to radically accelerate performance and massively improve their lives, and how we can, too.

Ultimately, Stealing Fire is a book about profound possibility – about what is actually possible for ourselves and our species when we unlock the full potential of the human mind.