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In today’s world we are all entrepreneurs…no matter what we do. The Covenant Secret delivers the master key to entrepreneurial and relationship success. Read it…Live It!

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2 thoughts on "The Covenant Secret: The Master Key to Success"

  1. Robert D. Crane "Director CIAOPS" says:

    A parable One way to get your point across is to tell it as a story. A way to get moral viewpoints across is by telling a parable. This is perhaps the best way to categorize this book. It allows you to follow along with a somewhat cliche plot in order to illustrate its points. There is nothing wrong with doing this but it is perhaps going to polarize readers. A more hard nosed reader is going to be put off by the lessons that it tries to convey using the message it does.At its heart this book is about people and importantly the relationships they have with others. The root of its message is therefore somewhat universal but is being illustrated in a business context. That may not sit well with some who perhaps do not welcome the invasion of universal themes of religion inside business. Yet, business like religion is a human endeavour composed of people and their relationships with each other. To reject the book because of this fact alone is perhaps not considering business in the…

  2. Tony Zummallen "T" says:

    hard to Deny the Truth I find these truths self evident once espoused. How great is this precept. I Am YOU.Did not see that coming. But it is sinking further into my soul and thoughts.I shed a tear at the end. I thought it was possible but did not see it coming.Just shows me that it only takes a moment or as little as 1 step to start the process.I see a lot of Bill in me and I am now on the Covenant trail with Bill!Thanks for the truth John! It is always what I need and not necessarily what I think I want.

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