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Explore Your Sacred Truth: A Quest for Finding Your Spiritual Reality

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In Explore Your Sacred Truth you will discover simple and effective ways to free yourself from stress and to approach your life from a calm perspective. By focusing on your personal development you learn how to:

Live a fulfilling life Access higher states of consciousness Open yourself to infinite possibilities Attract abundance into your life Become one with mind, body and spirit Learn how to manifest your thoughts into reality

I first met Theresa LePre through “Lightworkers, Healers and Spiritual Thrill-seekers.” I was impressed right away with her dedication to truth, words of kindness and inner wisdom. Over time, I have come to appreciate her beautiful gifts all the more. She is the embodiment of kindness and has a truly wonderful outlook on life. She is an inspired teacher and has many lessons to share with the world. Her message is both simple and profound. It speaks directly to the hearts of those willing to hear and apply it. If you are seeking to grow, to learn and to transform your life, do yourself a favor and read what she has to say.

Her book, Explore Your Sacred Truth, can lead you step by step through the process of recreating your life path. I would recommend the book for anyone seeking to connect with the greater truth that underlies everything. May blessings and peace follow you all your days.

Victoria L. Cayce

Author and distant cousin of Edgar Cayce, Famous Physic

Our journey, from unaware to becoming aware of our ignorance, into the light of knowledge and up into the deep well of wisdom is a rather daunting task. Because of this, we, in this human form run into issues that are not usually addressed in the community, of our decision to create our own personal spiritual journey, the one that leads us to the understanding of sacred truth. Theresa LePre is a skilled author, spiritual adviser and business woman. Theresa is a down-to-earth, plain-spoken teacher who clears the seekers’ path of all doubt and misinformation. In her book, Explore Your Sacred Truth, we are presented with an up-front approach, and a true, coherent explanation of our separate personal transition from ignorance . . . that is easy to understand and follow.

Theresa is a gifted teacher who possesses the skills that she chooses to share in order to help others find their own path as you, the seeker, Explore Your Sacred Truth.

Chessie Roberts

Host of ‘Get on the Grid with Chessie Roberts’ on

About the Author

Theresa LePre was born into a large New York Catholic family. Like many young people she questioned the teachings of her church and began instead the quest for her Sacred Truth.

Theresa is a gifted teacher and passionate about helping others. She is eager to share the skills she possesses to help others on their journey through the spiritual wilderness.

She has known abundance and hardship, joy and despair, happiness and grief. She has found her spiritual journey to be difficult on occasion, and her mission now is to help others find their own spiritual path and live their own truth. Explore Your Sacred Truth is for all those on the path with unanswered questions.

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1 thought on “Explore Your Sacred Truth: A Quest for Finding Your Spiritual Reality

  1. Theresa’s depiction of her spiritual journey is a great guideline for your own. Her loving, nurturing, enlightened soul shines in her words I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking to maneuver through their own spiritual awakening. I will refer to it again and again!

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