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Just as yoga and meditation offer defined practices for exercising your body and mind, Spiritual Makeover offers a defined practice for exercising your spirit. The dust and grit of our everyday journey is frequently challenged with issues of livelihood, health, relationships, finances, and parenting. Our state of mind is kept in a constant state of fluctuation no matter how many vacations we take or material conveniences we acquire to lighten and balance the load. Workable solutions, however, always begin within our very own being. It is from our inner world that our outer world is impacted. We cannot make-over our outer world thinking it will bring inner resolution. Enduring change occurs first in the inner or spiritual facet of our existence and then demonstrates itself in our outer life. People the world over are attempting to understand how to attract what they want into their lives and experience more fulfillment. This book provides you the steps towards that end by offering spiritual and psychological know how for drawing out the deepest and the highest from within yourself. In language that’s easy to understand and through the author’s time-tested work with clients you are offered wonderful tools, deep spiritual wisdom and practical guidance to help you fall in love with your self and your life.

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2 thoughts on "Spiritual Makeover, Ten Practices for Falling in Love with Your Life"

  1. Pamela Ryan says:

    Finding my own spirit I have been traveling a long journey and this book along with Sirah has helped me open myself up to possibilities within myself that I did not see before.It allows for strength and guidance to take you to yet another level of freedom. I have gained a positive sense of energy and look forward to my life. I am grateful for Sirah and her teachings through this book “Spiritual Makeover” as I have found a different approach to my life. I am happy 🙂

  2. Harold Bloomfield MD "Hari" says:

    Fresh, Practical & Powerful This is a most refreshing, unique self-help, spiritual book. It is filled with practical, powerful exercises to enrich your life & relationships. Dr. Vettese writes in a down-to-earth manner — compassionate, caring & clear.

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