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Affirmations That Move the Throne Room of GOD: A 30-45 day journey of adjusting your mind toward GOD’S plans and desires for you

Take a 30-45 day journey of adjusting your mind toward GOD’S plans and desires for you. You will notice positive changes. Apply the affirmations to your life correctly and you will feel empowered to put your best foot forward. Think about this: It takes about 40 days for a positive thought to impact your consciousness. Normally what we say, we see, and what we think, we experience. Now, it is time to change the way that you speak whether your experiences have been good or bad. If your experiences have been good, make them better. If your experiences have been otherwise, crack the code of defeat and accomplish victory. You experience victory when the positive words that you speak and what you think, align with your actions. Allow this 30-45 day journey to create miracles in your life, and cause you to prosper. Affirmations That Move the Throne Room of GOD is a collective of 30 declarations created to bring positive, life changing, experiences into your life. This book was created to offer guidance, support and wisdom to set your feet on the right path toward the ONE who will move on your behalf. With these meditative affirmations and the journal questions that follow each one, you can stay mindful of your thoughts and words and begin producing miracles in your life because your words speak life and nothing else. With a combination of wisdom and instruction from the Throne Room of GOD, this book was authored in one day to help those who desire transformation in their lives. The affirmations that this book embodies will open your eyes to something bigger than you.