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Questions of Faith: A Skeptical Affirmation of Christianity

Leading religious and cultural commentator, Peter Berger, explores how and what we can believe in modern times.

Deals clearly with questions such as ‘Does God exist? What was so special about Jesus? How can one be Christian in a pluralistic society?
Structured around key phrases from the Apostles’ Creed.
Draws on the Christian theological tradition and the work of other relevant thinkers, such as Freud and Simone Weil.
The author takes the position of an open-minded sceptic, exploring his own beliefs.

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Sustaining Affirmation

In light of many recent critiques of Western modernity and its conceptual foundations, the problem of adequately justifying our most basic moral and political values looms large. Without recourse to traditional ontological or metaphysical foundations, how can one affirm–or sustain–a commitment to fundamentals? The answer, according to Stephen White, lies in a turn to “weak” ontology, an approach that allows for ultimate commitments but at the same time acknowledges their historical, contestable character. This turn, White suggests, is already underway. His book traces its emergence in a variety of quarters in political thought today and offers a clear and compelling account of what this might mean for our late modern self-understanding.

As he elaborates the idea of weak ontology and the broad criteria behind it, White shows how these are already at work in the thought of contemporary writers of seemingly very different perspectives: George Kateb, Judith Butler, Charles Taylor, and William Connolly. Among these thinkers, often thought to be at odds, he exposes the commonalities that emerge around the idea of weak ontology. In its identification of a critical turn in political theory, and its nuanced explanation of that turn, his book both demonstrates and underscores the strengths of weak ontology.

Product Features

  • Used Book in Good Condition
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The Spirit of Life: A Universal Affirmation

The fourth book in Jurgen Moltmann’s systematic theology is a full-scale theology of the Spirit that also marks a personal religious quest. Moltmann, “the foremost Protestant theologian in the world” (Church Times), brings his characteristic audacity to this traditional topic and cuts to the heart of the matter with a simple identification: What we experience every day as the spirit of life is the spirit of God. Such considerations give Moltmann’s treatment of the different aspects of life in Spirit a verve and vitality that are concrete and existential: . “When I love God I love the beauty of bodies, the rhythm of movements, the shining of eyes, the embraces, the feelings, the scents, the sounds of all this protean creation . . . The experience of God deepens the experiences of life . . . It awakens the unconditional Yes to life.” Part One probes “Experiences of the Spirit” in daily life as well as in biblical and theological traditions. In Part Two Moltmann takes up the roles of the Spirit in the order of salvation under the aegis “Life in the Spirit.” And Part Three concludes the volume with discussions of “The Fellowship and Person of the Spirit.” Veteran readers of Moltmann will find here a rich and subtle extension of his trinitarian and christological works, even as he makes bold use of key insights from feminist and ecological theologies, from recent stress on embodiment, and from charismatic movements. Newer readers will find a fascinating entree into the heart of Moltmann’s work: the transformative potential of the future. In an age of planetary peril, in a culture often hostile to human, animal, and plant life, Moltmann’s emphatic insistence on the Spirit is a clear call toconscience: The one indispensable element for human survival, he asserts, is an “unconditional affirmation of life” quickened by the Spirit.

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Affirmation of Poetry (Univocal)

Since the times of Plato and Aristotle, the relation of poetry to philosophy has been controversial. For certain scholars, poetry should in no way be confused with philosophy. For others, poetry is at the heart of the possibility of thinking itself. In Affirmation of Poetry, Judith Balso defends the significance of poetry as a necessary practice for thinking. For Balso, if reading poetry properly has become an obscure task, poetry itself still carries with it a power of thinking: the efforts of the poets must continue. In analyzing the affirmation of thought found within the work of such poets as Osip Mandelstam, Wallace Stevens, Alberto Caeiro, and Giacomo Leopardi, Balso reestablishes poetry’s place as a site of thought.

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The Affirmation of Me

You were created in Love. By Love. For Love. God is Love… The affirmation that you have been seeking can only by given by one person: God. It can only be accepted one way, by receiving the Love that He has been offering you. He wants you to see yourself through His eyes. Eyes of Love. Sandra Felecia shares a captivating story of her journey to self-love. Her compelling testimony will provoke you to embrace life’s challenges as orchestrated situations designed by God to bring Him glory! This powerful revelation will release you to forgive yourself and others from the strongholds that have hindered you from Loving You. The Affirmation of Me gives readers tangible reasons to have hope in the face of death and pain. Sandra Felecia effectively teaches readers how to appreciate the good that can come as a result of tragedies, especially given the fact that death is inevitable. Being able to identify the benefits of a negative event is a catharsis for healing. At this point in time in your life you are exactly where you should be. This book was purposed for you. God wants you to know that He has affirmed you.

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Food & Spirit Nourish Your Whole Self Affirmation Cards (56 Card Deck Box Set) with Booklet

A 56-card deck and accompanying booklet guide to your relationship with food through the 7 aspects of you – the Root, Flow, Fire, Love, Truth, Insight, and Spirit. Each aspect is represented by 7 inspirational images together with a healing affirmation. Enjoy choosing a card as often as you like, take them with you for meals throughout the day or just pick one a day to focus on for whole-self nourishment!