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The Harbinger Companion With Study Guide: Decode the mysteries and respond to the call that can change America’s future-and yours

Now You Can Go Deeper Into the Ancient Mystery That Holds the Secret of America’s Future and Yours

The New York Times best seller The Harbinger now has an indispensable companion that will enable you to go deeper into the prophetic revelations and decode the mysteries that have caused a stir throughout the nation. The Harbinger Companion With Study Guide includes a full study guide, special bonus features, articles, maps, illustrations, photographs of the actual harbingers, and more!

The Harbinger Companion With Study Guide includes such special features as:

Teachings, insights, and revelations into each of mysteries in The Harbinger Photographs of each of the Nine Harbingers and illustrations of each mystery The supernatural story behind The Harbinger (and the mysterious man in the airport) A thirteen-week study guide for group, class, church, or individual study with: Detailed teaching – with the biblical and historical context and backgroundExploration – in-depth study questions for individuals, groups, or churches Application – that can change your life and your world The mystery of the seals (and the actual real “Seal Behind the Seals”) A guided walking tour of the actual harbingers (with maps and locations) The most often asked questions surrounding The Harbinger, including: Who is the prophet? (the identity of the book’s most mysterious figure) Who is Nouriel? Who is Jonathan Cahn? Where is America in end-time prophecy? What does the future hold?
In The Harbinger Jonathan Cahn sounded the alarm with a prophetic wake-up call for America, the world, and the future. With this powerful companion guide you won’t miss any of the mysteries it reveals!

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Death by China: Confronting the Dragon – A Global Call to Action

This is the eBook version of the printed book.

Bestselling author Peter Navarro (The Coming China Wars) and Greg Autry challenges the dominant paradigm of a “Chinese Miracle” – the one featuring a modernizing, progressive Chinese state heading toward political reform and driving global economic growth with its new found embrace of capitalism and freedom.Tearing this delusion away, Death by China documents the myriad ways that a powerful, wealthy, and corrupt Chinese Communist Party emboldened by a growing nationalistic frenzy is becoming the biggest threat to global peace, prosperity, and health since Nazi Germany.From currency manipulation and abusive trade policies, to slave labor and deadly consumer products, China’s ruthless rulers threaten the livelihood of the citizens of every developed nation. These thugs have created a frightening amoral society ruled by a constant fear hidden to outsiders and bought off with the ill gotten profits of a myopic quest for economic advantage at any cost – social, environmental, or civil rights concerns be damned. Worse, as with everything else, China is scaling and exporting the model around this world, threatening their neighbors and exploiting developing nations across the globe with a new imperialism.While America worries that Al Qaeda or Iran may get their hands on a weapon of mass destruction, China is using our Wal-Mart dollars to build them by the score; filling brand new nuclear submarines with missiles aimed at our heartland and building stealth planes designed to obliterate our friends in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan.America’s policy of appeasement and perpetual bending to Beijing’s tacit threat to stop funding our unsustainable consumption based economy and deficit addicted government has left the Chinese people and the world in a frightening position while achieving absolutely nothing. With each new attempt at further “engagement” China simply rounds up more artists, writers, and political dissidents into its gulags and continues its policies of virtual genocide against the peoples of Tibet and the Uighars of East Turkestan. It tightens control over media and the Internet and expands its regional, territorial and resource claims. Laughing at our timidity, it becomes ever bolder in executing its plan to shutter every last manufacturing plant in the West.Meanwhile, Western turncoat CEO’s are content with pumping up one more quarterly report by driving every last high-value manufacturing jobs to Guangzhou or Chengdu. Congress is happy to be re-elected with contributions from those same corporations. Together they are happy to leave the rest of us with a future of low paying service and retail “careers” based on selling junk made in China to each other while accumulating a pile of Chinese debt and building a geopolitical time bomb of epic proportions.For every American, European, Japanese or Korean reader who wonders where his job has gone and worries about the world his children will inherit, Death by China is a must read. The book features an inspiring Forward by Chinese Dissident, Baiqiao Tang and a brilliant Epilog by Congressman Dana Rohrabacher.