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Psychic Hearing for Beginners: How to Use Clairaudience to Guide Your Life (Soul Immersion Mini Series)

It is simple to receive intuitive information via clairaudience—the art of psychic hearing—once you know what to expect. This is a simple skill, unlocked easily by those who already use language: writers, communicators, talkers, musicians—anyone with a knack for word, sound, voice.

What trips up most people is the false belief that clairaudience is loud—a giant booming angel’s voice in the room! Once you understand the subtlety of psychic hearing, and how to tune into it, you will be shocked at the number of messages the Universe/DIvine/One/All is sending your way.

This is a Mini-Ebook, meant as an overview or starting place for beginners who wish to understand the core concepts of psychic hearing from a spiritual and intuitive perspective—that is, via direct connection with the Divine.

Yet, even though this little book is small, make no mistake: the information provided is profound, and will allow you to enter into clairaudience simply and easily. Sometimes, simple is the best place to start. This book includes a nine-step exercises so you can begin to experience this ability for yourself.