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Enter the Era of Empowerment: Self-Sovereignty in a Complex World

Today’s world offers opportunities to express our personal power in ways never before possible in all of human history. The truth is that we now have access to spiritual and technological tools that allow us as individuals to affect global consciousness in a flash. With these tools we are gifted with a sacred task and responsibility – to become aware of, accept and embrace a new definition of personal power. Welcome To The Era of Empowerment: John Jones is a brilliant teacher of discernment. In this book he describes ways by which we can most effectively develop our personal power and apply our self-sovereignty to transform the world. This book defines which factors either increase or limit our personal power. The reader is guided to clearly understand how they co-create their own lives and the world as a whole, and how they can apply their influence in the most discerning and effective way. Enter the Era of Empowerment offers a complex change in world view, uncovering the silver linings clouded by our past misperceptions. For example, we: • Understand how we are being pushed toward something better by devastating situations • Learn the hidden benefits of global stress • See how relationship dynamics are profoundly effected by changing our core beliefs • Understand the dynamics of disempowering emotions and how to transform their toxicity • Learn what has been previously misunderstood about karma • Learn about social identity management and how deeply-rooted judgment/control cycle patterns hinder discernment and progress • Recognize why a fully-functioning root chakra is the crucial element necessary to transform contemporary events • Emerge with authentic personal power through the attainment of self-sovereignty Through John Jones pristine guidance, we begin opening our eyes to a new level of discernment – a comprehensive perspective of life which is supportive of positive world transformation and attainment of enlightenment. This level of discernment offers freedom from old illusions and outdated patterns of control so that we can evolve to act in loving-power and in a radically new, highly productive way – a principle that Jones eloquently defines as Self-Sovereignty. Enter the Era of Empowerment: Self-Sovereignty in a Complex World shows us how to enter this new age of the individual in fully conscious power without falling back into limiting modes, of individual or collective karmic patterns. We are navigating an increasingly complex life experience, rich with opportunities. In so doing we are learning to manage both internal and external past traps and future influences, and thereby becoming sovereign beings. In applying and practicing the elements of Self-Sovereignty, our lives become lighter in challenges and deeper in joy. We move beyond judgment into the divine love of self and others and the world finally becomes our playground.

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Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World

The retired four-star general and and bestselling author of My Share of the Task shares a powerful new leadership model

Former General Stanley McChrystal held a key position for much of the War on Terror, as head of the Joint Special Operations Command. In Iraq, he found that despite the vastly superior resources, manpower, and training of the U.S. military, Al Qaeda had an advantage because of its structure as a loose network of small, independent cells. Those cells wreaked havoc by always staying one step ahead, sharing knowledge with each other via high-tech communications.

To defeat such an agile enemy, JSOC had to change its focus from efficiency to adaptability. McChrystal led the transformation of his forces into a network that combined robust centralized communication (“shared consciousness”) with decentralized managerial authority (“empowered execution”).

Now he shows not only how the military made that transition, but also how similar shifts are possible in all kinds of organizations, from large companies to startups to charities to government agencies. In a world of rapid change, the best organizations think and act like a team of teams, embracing small groups that combine the freedom to experiment with a relentless drive to share what they’ve learned.

McChrystal and his colleagues explain their process for helping organizations embrace this model. They also share fascinating research and examples from settings as diverse as emergency rooms and NASA’s mission control center.

Read by Paul Michael. Introduction and recaps read by General Stanley McChrystal.