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Enter the Era of Empowerment: Self-Sovereignty in a Complex World

Today’s world offers opportunities to express our personal power in ways never before possible in all of human history. The truth is that we now have access to spiritual and technological tools that allow us as individuals to affect global consciousness in a flash. With these tools we are gifted with a sacred task and responsibility – to become aware of, accept and embrace a new definition of personal power. Welcome To The Era of Empowerment: John Jones is a brilliant teacher of discernment. In this book he describes ways by which we can most effectively develop our personal power and apply our self-sovereignty to transform the world. This book defines which factors either increase or limit our personal power. The reader is guided to clearly understand how they co-create their own lives and the world as a whole, and how they can apply their influence in the most discerning and effective way. Enter the Era of Empowerment offers a complex change in world view, uncovering the silver linings clouded by our past misperceptions. For example, we: • Understand how we are being pushed toward something better by devastating situations • Learn the hidden benefits of global stress • See how relationship dynamics are profoundly effected by changing our core beliefs • Understand the dynamics of disempowering emotions and how to transform their toxicity • Learn what has been previously misunderstood about karma • Learn about social identity management and how deeply-rooted judgment/control cycle patterns hinder discernment and progress • Recognize why a fully-functioning root chakra is the crucial element necessary to transform contemporary events • Emerge with authentic personal power through the attainment of self-sovereignty Through John Jones pristine guidance, we begin opening our eyes to a new level of discernment – a comprehensive perspective of life which is supportive of positive world transformation and attainment of enlightenment. This level of discernment offers freedom from old illusions and outdated patterns of control so that we can evolve to act in loving-power and in a radically new, highly productive way – a principle that Jones eloquently defines as Self-Sovereignty. Enter the Era of Empowerment: Self-Sovereignty in a Complex World shows us how to enter this new age of the individual in fully conscious power without falling back into limiting modes, of individual or collective karmic patterns. We are navigating an increasingly complex life experience, rich with opportunities. In so doing we are learning to manage both internal and external past traps and future influences, and thereby becoming sovereign beings. In applying and practicing the elements of Self-Sovereignty, our lives become lighter in challenges and deeper in joy. We move beyond judgment into the divine love of self and others and the world finally becomes our playground.

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An Inspiration to All Who Enter: Fifty Works from Yale University’s Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library

In celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Yale University’s Beinecke Library, one of the world’s great bibliographic treasure houses, comes this sumptuously illustrated volume of fifty of the Library’s most prized rare books and manuscripts. Selected by the Library’s curators and accompanied by insightful and accessible texts, the featured works range from recently acquired items from living authors and poets to some of the most famous, rare, and notorious books in history. Among these works are the original map of the Lewis and Clark expedition, James Joyce’s proof sheets to Anna Livia Plurabelle, a song printed on papyrus from the second-century Roman Empire, the Voynich manuscript, a poem-painting by Susan Howe, Langston Hughes’s Montage of a Dream Deferred in original manuscript form, and many others.

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Living in the Heart: How to Enter into the Sacred Space within the Heart (with CD)

Long ago we humans used a form of communication and sensing that did not involve the brain in any way; rather, it came from a sacred place within our hearts. What good would it do to find this place again?
This is a book of remembering. You have always had this place within your heart, and it is still there now. It existed before creation, and it will exist even after the last star shines its brilliant light. At night when you enter your dreams, you leave your mind and enter the sacred space of your heart. But do you remember? Or do you only remember the dream?
Why am I telling you about this something that is fading from our memories? What good would it do to find this place again in a world where the greatest religion is science and the logic of the mind? Don t I know where emotions and feelings are second-class citizens?
Yes, I do. But my teachers have asked me to remind you who you really are. You are more than just a human being, much more. For within your heart is a place, a sacred place, where the world can literally be remade through conscious cocreation. If you really want peace of spirit and if you want to return home, I invite you into the beauty of your own heart. With your permission, I will show you what has been shown to me. I will give you the exact instructions to the pathway into your heart where you and God are intimately one.
It is your choice. But I must warn you: Within this experience resides great responsibility. Life knows when a spirit is born to the higher worlds, and life will use you as all the great masters who have ever lived have been used. If you read this book and do the meditation and then expect nothing to change in your life, you may get caught spiritually napping. Once you have entered the light of the great darkness, your life will change eventually, you will remember who you really are; eventually your life will become a life of service to humanity.
In the last two chapters reside a surprise and a glimpse of great hope. The human lightbody that surrounds the body for about fifty-five to sixty feet in diameter, the Mer-Ka-Ba (which I wrote about in my first two books, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life (Volumes I and II), has a secret inherently connected to this sacred space of the heart. If you are practicing the Mer-Ka-Ba meditation in your life, I believe you will find the information in this book to be paramount to your journey of ascension into the higher worlds of light. If you are only interested in the sacred space of the heart, may these words be a blessing in your life and help you remember your true nature.
One last comment. This book is written with the least amount of words possible to convey the meaning and to keep the integrity of the essence of this experience. The images are purposefully simple. It is written from the heart, not the mind.