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Culture Shock: The Empire’s Corps, Book 13

Arthur’s Seat had never sought a galactic role. A relatively new colony world, a mere 300 years old, the planet was always isolated from the galactic mainstream. But with the Empire crumbling after the fall of Earth and other planets taking advantage of the chaos to make their own bids for power, Arthur’s Seat suddenly finds itself playing host to tens of thousands of unwanted immigrants, refugees who have been kicked off countless other worlds.

But as the planetary government struggles to integrate the newcomers, powerful factions plot to take advantage of the situation, and the refugees struggle to carve out a place for themselves, it becomes clear that the entire planet is on the verge of anarchy…and outright civil war may not be far away.

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They Shall Not Pass: The Empire’s Corps, Book 12

Despite the escape from Meridian – and a strike at the heart of Wolfbane – enemy forces are still advancing on all fronts. The Commonwealth, worn down by a year of hard fighting, is reaching the end of its tether while Admiral Singh, having secured control of Wolfbane, is searching for the breaking point that will shatter the Commonwealth once and for all. Time is needed, time to bring new weapons and tactics into service, but time is the one thing the Commonwealth doesn’t have.

Now, with enemy forces closing on the industrialized world of Corinthian – Admiral Singh’s former base of operations – Colonel Stalker decides to make a stand. The Commonwealth will meet its enemies on the ground and destroy them…or die trying. They will not pass as long as a single marine remains alive.

But how much of Corinthian and the Commonwealth will survive the nightmare to come?