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The Perfect Couple

From New York Times best-selling author Elin Hilderbrand, comes a novel about the many ways family can fill our lives with love…if they don’t kill us first.

It’s wedding season on Nantucket. The beautiful island is overrun with summer people – an annual source of aggravation for year-round residents. And that’s not the only tension brewing offshore. When one lavish wedding ends in disaster before it can even begin – with the bride-to-be discovered dead in Nantucket Harbor just hours before the ceremony – everyone in the wedding party is suddenly a suspect. As Chief of Police Ed Kapenash digs into the best man, the maid of honor, the groom’s famous mystery novelist mother, and even a member of his own family, the chief discovers that every wedding is a minefield – and no couple is perfect.

Featuring beloved characters from The Castaways and A Summer Affair, The Perfect Couple proves once again that Elin Hilderbrand is the queen of the summer beach book.

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The Smart Couple Quote Book: Radically Simple Ways to Avoid Pointless Fights, Have Better Sex, and Build an Indestructible Partnership

Real, Actionable Relationship Advice Without the Fluff

Real relationships aren’t just filled with romance, great sex, and warm, fuzzy feelings forever. All romantic relationships get stressful and challenging. After the honeymoon phase is over, maintaining a loving relationship can get downright hard, and even painful.

How you handle the daily challenges of life (alone and together with your partner) will determine whether your relationship gets better or goes down the shitter.

The difference between a struggling couple and a smart couple is the smart couple learns how to handle interpersonal stress and relationship challenges with the right map and tools.

Discover the Tools for Building a Loving Relationship That Gets Even Better Year After Year

In this relationship book for couples and individuals, you will discover the tools you need to create and maintain an incredible relationship—one that gets stronger over time instead of drifting apart. The lessons and love quotes in this book will help you deepen your relationship instead of running away, blaming, or staying stuck in an unfulfilling partnership.

Most marriage books try to sell you a “happily ever after” life while skipping over the pain and struggle that comes in all long-term relationships. While avoiding pain may feel good in the short-term, these bad habits will destroy your relationship in the long run.

This book will help you squash those fantasies and remind you a fulfilling marriage is earned, not given. Relationship teacher Jayson Gaddis will challenge you and inspire you to think differently about how you deal with the inevitable relationship problems that arise. Instead of viewing every issue or confrontation as an attack to be afraid of, you will learn to lean into the deepest parts of yourself in order to grow, heal, and reconnect with your partner.

From Wound Mates to Soul Mates

The smart couple learns to move from wound mates to soul mates that inspire the very best in each other. When you make this move, you become a love warrior, destined for a strong partnership over many years. It’s not an easy path, but it’s the path you must take if you want to create a fulfilling, lasting relationship.

Contrary to popular belief, “just loving each other” is not enough to make a relationship last forever. It takes two people who are willing to grow, learn, and challenge each other to rise together in partnership.

A loving relationship is a path that demands you gain more self-awareness and self-responsibility so that you can attend to the amazing fire of your connection. A great relationship is designed to get you to grow up and grow into yourself, and a strong, loving relationship has the power to help you accomplish and achieve more in your life.

Strap Yourself in for the Ride of a Lifetime

There is nothing quite like having a lover, a best friend, and a co-pilot on this crazy ride called life. When you learn the tools that make relationships work, you will indeed become a couple that side-steps the pointless fights, gets stronger through conflict, and has more connected sex, as you become an unstoppable couple that lights up a room.

The love quotes found in this relationship book are a gold mine. Read slowly and digest each sentence. You can ponder each one alone and together. You might have to discuss, disagree, and work through a quote, just like you would a normal difference in your own lives. Doing so will be considered “practice” for your relationship or marriage (you can even share your wins and challenges in our private community of Smart Couples).

You reap what you sow each day in your relationship, and my strong wish is for you to take good care of your precious relationship by attending to it daily. May these quotes help guide you into a more realistic and magnificent love that lasts.

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Ruth and Billy Graham: The Legacy of a Couple

She was born in 1920 on the east coast of China, the daughter of an American missionary doctor in the midst of civil war.

He was born the son of a dairy farmer in 1918 in Charlotte, North Carolina, where milking cows was a daily chore.

Together they would live a life of influence neither could have imagined on their own.

No one has preached the gospel to more people than evangelist Billy Graham. But behind this exceptional man is an equally exceptional woman who made his global ministry possible. Through her constant love, support, prayers, and personal ministry, Ruth helped shape Billy’s tireless work for the Kingdom of God.

Now you can get to know this couple intimately in their first biography that focuses on both Billy and Ruth. This engaging book

• is endorsed by Billy Graham
• tells many personal stories not yet known to the wider public

Discover how their devotion to God and to each other allowed them to influence generations of believers and bring the life-giving message of forgiveness in Jesus’s name to the masses.