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Inspiration on Demand

UNIQUE ONE-STOP, ESSENTIAL GUIDE FOR MOTIVATION IN WORK AND LIFE — New social media-made book provides accessible, empowering messages for overcoming personal trials and reaching dreams One in ten U.S. adults report being affected by depression. Facing his own personal struggles with depression, a negative mindset, divorce, among other things a few years ago, Joshua Coburn decided to create and post positive affirmations on his social media sites. As friends and fans from his previous projects in music, books, and tattooing began to take notice and utilize these quotes, they ultimately requested he create a book for them to keep close and reference as needed. Since the concept of a book filled with these affirmations was suggested to Coburn by others, he realized the project was as much about their want to see the development of a book as it was for his need to reinforce positivity in his personal life. In order to fulfill all the wants and needs involved, Coburn planned the #ihelpedchangealife project. #ihelpedchangealife would allow these social media users to become a part of the creation and final outcome of a book they chose to title, Inspiration on Demand. Within the social media platforms, friends, followers and fans of Coburn s would vote on the title, dimensions, cover style, and all other aspects of the book s creation. Through, Inspiration on Demand was also funded by this movement. Inspiration on Demand and the quotes within are no longer mine, says Coburn. They are of the people, and for the people who believed in the #ihelpedchangealife project and believe in positive change in all our lives. Motivating and empowering readers to improve their daily lives, overcome personal trials and reach their dreams, Coburn, a self-proclaimed corporate oddity, shares quotes in Inspiration on Demand such as: -Knowing your personal limits is as important as pushing them. -Anger is an emotional prison, the keys to unlock the doors lie in the pursuit of happiness. -If there is not a path to follow we shall create our own. -Today is the best tomorrow that yesterday could have ever offered. -By days end, be sure you can look back and know you made the best of it. I believe in going against the status quo, challenging society to be great rather than mediocre, adds Coburn, and I believe that together we can create a positive movement to improve many lives, not just our own.

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Affirmations on Demand: 1000 Affirmations to Change Your Mindset and Change Your Life

Affirmations are a powerful way to quickly change your life by changing the way that you think about yourself. Working on our mindset is an every day and never ending process. It is often said that if we are not growing, we are dying. At Changing Minds Online, we believe in committing time daily to shifting our mindset to one of abundance. You can use this book to pinpoint specific areas of your mindset that require attention and reprogram them to abundant and rewarding beliefs. Simply, choose an area that requires attention, open the page to that section and read the affirmations out loud. Doing so literally and immediately will change your neurology. You will instantly begin to change your mindset and your vibrational energy will become a powerful attractor to whatever it is that you want. Do this daily and watch as your life begins to change right before your eyes. You can be, do and have whatever you want IF your mindset is aligned with what you want. Using this book daily will ensure that you are aligned with your source of power and have the most abundant and powerful mindset possible.

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Creativity On Demand: How to Ignite and Sustain the Fire of Genius

Do moments of inspiration have to be few and far between-or can you develop the ability to access your deepest creativity any time? Michael Gelb has discovered the missing key that allows genius to flourish: an open, reliable connection to the vital life energy we all possess.  “The practices for accessing energy have been developed for thousands of years in yoga, martial arts, and Chinese medicine,” Gelb says.  “I’ve asked today’s greatest living masters of these arts to contribute their most effective practices for cultivating creative energy-in a way that the average person can do in 20 minutes or less.”


With Creativity On Demand, Gelb teaches a series of simple and potent practices to clear blockages and open the flow of creative energy.  He then reveals how these techniques can be integrated with the renowned creative mindset and creative process tools he’s taught to individuals and organizations worldwide.  The result is Michael Gelb’s most powerful work yet on unlocking our potential to innovate and achieve.


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Inspiration On Demand


— New social media-made book provides accessible, empowering messages for overcoming personal trials and reaching dreams

One in ten U.S. adults report being affected by depression. Facing his own personal struggles with depression, a negative mindset, divorce, among other things a few years ago, Joshua Coburn decided to create and post positive affirmations on his social media sites. As friends and fans from his previous projects in music, books, and tattooing began to take notice and utilize these quotes, they ultimately requested he create a book for them to keep close and reference as needed. Since the concept of a book filled with these affirmations was suggested to Coburn by others, he realized the project was as much about their want to see the development of a book as it was for his need to reinforce positivity in his personal life.

In order to fulfill all the wants and needs involved, Coburn planned the #ihelpedchangealife project. #ihelpedchangealife would allow these social media users to become a part of the creation and final outcome of a book they chose to title, Inspiration on Demand. Within the social media platforms, friends, followers and fans of Coburn s would vote on the title, dimensions, cover style, and all other aspects of the book s creation. Through, Inspiration on Demand was also funded by this movement.

Inspiration on Demand and the quotes within are no longer mine, says Coburn. They are of the people, and for the people who believed in the #ihelpedchangealife project and believe in positive change in all our lives.

Motivating and empowering readers to improve their daily lives, overcome personal trials and reach their dreams, Coburn, a self-proclaimed corporate oddity, shares quotes in Inspiration on Demand such as:

-Knowing your personal limits is as important as pushing them.

-Anger is an emotional prison, the keys to unlock the doors lie in the pursuit of happiness.

-If there is not a path to follow we shall create our own.

-Today is the best tomorrow that yesterday could have ever offered.

-By day s end, be sure you can look back and know you made the best of it.

I believe in going against the status quo, challenging society to be great rather than mediocre, adds Coburn, and I believe that together we can create a positive movement to improve many lives, not just our own.