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Creativity On Demand: How to Ignite and Sustain the Fire of Genius

Do moments of inspiration have to be few and far between-or can you develop the ability to access your deepest creativity any time? Michael Gelb has discovered the missing key that allows genius to flourish: an open, reliable connection to the vital life energy we all possess.  “The practices for accessing energy have been developed for thousands of years in yoga, martial arts, and Chinese medicine,” Gelb says.  “I’ve asked today’s greatest living masters of these arts to contribute their most effective practices for cultivating creative energy-in a way that the average person can do in 20 minutes or less.”


With Creativity On Demand, Gelb teaches a series of simple and potent practices to clear blockages and open the flow of creative energy.  He then reveals how these techniques can be integrated with the renowned creative mindset and creative process tools he’s taught to individuals and organizations worldwide.  The result is Michael Gelb’s most powerful work yet on unlocking our potential to innovate and achieve.


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Getting a Flat Belly Sucks! Discover How to Sustain Motivation for Your Weight Loss and Exercise Plan Even When You Feel Like Burning Your Running Shoes and Eating a Box of Donuts

In Getting a Flat Belly Sucks! Discover How to Sustain Motivation for Your Weight Loss and Exercise Plan Even When You Feel Like Burning Your Running Shoes and Eating a Box of Donuts, you will find

– Excellent tips and advice to sustain and increase your motivation for your fitness regime
– The NUMBER ONE change in your mindset that will eliminate the crazy weight fluctuations most people consider normal.
– Common excuses that if tolerated and spoken, will deprive you of the lifestyle you deserve.
– How to identify triggers that can rob you of months and months of hard work and smash them like ceramic plates at a Greek wedding.
– And so much more.

You know you deserve to live a healthy life. What’s stopping You? Let me help you climb the ladder to a healthy lifestyle and if you’re already on that ladder, I’ll cheer and encourage you to greater heights.

Your fitness matters. Take it seriously. Order your copy today!