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Spanish For Dummies Audio Set

3 hours of lessons on 3 CDs!

The fun and easy way to communicate effectively in a new language!

Want to speak Spanish? Don’t have a lot of time? This practical audio set is designed to help you learn quickly and easily at home or on the road. From basic greetings and expressions to grammar and conversations, you’ll grasp the essentials and start communicating right away! Plus, you can follow along with the handy, 96-page portable guide—filled with the words and phrases you’ll hear on the CDs as well as a mini dictionary.

Skip around and learn at your own paceCD 1: Get started with basic words and phrases.CD 2: Form sentences and practice parts of speech.CD 3: Handle real-world situations.

Discover how toHandle greetings and introductionsAsk questions and understand answersBuild your vocabularyTalk about numbers, time, and the calendarAsk for directionsGet help at a hotel, the bank, or a store

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French For Dummies Audio Set

You want to learn French but you’re not looking to spend hours in front of a textbook becoming fluent. Maybe you took French in school, but remember nothing but boring grammar rules and useless words. Or perhaps you just want to know some words and phrases so that you can communicate on a basic level. Whatever your reason for taking up French, you want a starter course that’s fun yet effective.

Now you can enjoy practicing with French For Dummies Audio Set! This 3-CD package will enable you to quickly familiarize yourself with the French language and begin communicating with French speakers. With this audio set ,you can learn at your own pace about topics that interest you. Some of the subjects you’ll be able to talk about include:Greetings and introductionsWork, jobs, and office lifeMaking small talkTraveling and making arrangementsAsking for directionsGetting help and assistanceOrdering at a restaurantBooking a room in a hotelExchanging money at the bankShopping in a store or boutique

Along with all these topics, these CDs cover essential rules and building blocks of the French language, such as verb conjugation and tenses, sentence structure, and vocabulary. It also includes a list of essential words that are used indispensably by French speakers. With this beginner audio set, you can pop any of the CDs in your CD player or computer and discover the joy and fun of the French language!

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Meditation For Dummies Audiobook

Meditation For Dummies, guides you down the road to increased awareness and inner peace. It also covers the historical origins and traditional wisdom behind modern meditation, as well as how to prepare for and find success in your own meditation practice. 

This audiobook contains:The latest advice on how to find success in your own meditation.Techniques to transform suffering and replace negative patterns.Topics including tuning in to your body, loving and kindness, transforming suffering, replacing negative patterns, grounding oneself and finding a peaceful place.

 “To tell you the truth, you can learn the basics of meditation in five minutes,” asserts Stephan Bodian, meditation instructor, psychotherapist, and former editor-in-chief of Yoga Journal. You can also study meditation for years, exploring its subtleties. Meditation for Dummies is a simple, clear introduction to the basics of meditation, including an overview of dozens of techniques, practices, and specific meditations, plus direction for going deeper. You get step-by-step instructions for a variety of meditations, including body position, mental concentration, where to put your attention, what to contemplate or notice, physical movements, and breathing. A nice touch is the recurring “traditional wisdom”: ancient stories or anecdotes that make a point. This book is useful whether you want the nuts and bolts for getting started in the next minute or you want to dip your mind into different practices and philosophies. Nothing is too elementary to explain: “how to sit up straight–and live to tell about it,” what to wear, dealing with fear and self-judgment, and what to do when you get “stuck.” You also get plenty of information about the benefits and varieties of meditation. You’re bound find and develop a practice that feels right for you. –Joan Price