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The Empowered Empath — Quick & Easy: Owning, Embracing, and Managing Your Special Gifts (An Empath Empowerment® Book) (Series Book 2)

If you were born an empath, you weren’t just born as a Highly Sensitive Person. Every empath is a highly, highly sensitive person.

This can be great, a huge advantage for success and relationships. BUT first, skills!
Stop feeling like a victim or fearing energy vampiresStart knowing who you are as a personStop worrying about your emotional and mental healthStart living with more emotional, mental, and spiritual healthStop putting others firstStart putting yourself first, in a healthy and appropriate wayStop all that boundary work, which can’t bring empaths true mental and spiritual healingUse clean, smart techniques that protect you automatically from energetic garbage (a.k.a. STUFF)Stop trying to clear and cleanse your energiesStart living juicy, naturally balanced and freeLet your empath’s aura shine! And without having to work hard, either.

*What *Makes *This *Empath *Training *Different?

You learn:
How to use the power of your mind to stay stable — energetically, mentally, spirituallyHow to position your empath’s consciousness appropriately, and without forcingSystematic training with the only trademarked system in America that was developed to help the most highly sensitive persons: empaths.Sure *You *Can *Learn *This

The system of Empath Empowerment® is uniquely effective to help empaths with their special sensitivity. And have fun in the process.

Get ready for a fast-moving book that brings you wonderful self-discoveries. Quizzes and Q&A sections make this a lively read. Find out:
Which of the 15 different empath gifts do you have?How can you use your breath to prevent Imported STUFF?And what is Imported STUFF, anyway?Why your pain is not your gift. (Trust your empathic sensitivity.)And why having an empath’s aura does not necessarily mean that you feel other people’s feelings.How can you turn all your empath gifts OFF (and do this effortlessly and efficiently)?What is unskilled empath merge? Why can something so bad for you feel so good?How to stop doing empath merges unless you are doing them on purpose.What happens when you combine your special gifts as an empath with skill plus self-authority?After you learn basic empath skills from this book, you can go on to learn Skilled Empath Merge — the biggest fun you can have with your clothes on. Find that in the sequel to this book, “The Master Empath.”

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Empowered Women of Social Media: Finding Global Unity in Social Communities (Volume 2)

Empowered Women of Social Media: Finding Global Unity in Social Communities is a compilation featuring 32 stories from around the world. Each woman who wrote her story met on a Facebook group. With power and resolve, they said YES to telling their story, some for the very first time. Hot Pink Publishing has a mission of empowering women to write their story no matter how painful, to enjoy a life free of sadness and pain. Carla Wynn Hall and Denise Joy Thompson are the co-compilers of this series and wish to thank you for buying this book.

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Empowered Women of Social Media: 44 Women found their “Voices” using the Power of Social Networking (Volume 1)

Compiled by Carla Wynn Hall, author of The Paradigm: Success Codes for Life and the founder of the Women’s Empowerment Network, a Facebook Support group with over “25,000” members – Empowered Women of Social Media: 44 Women found their Voices using the Power of Social Networking is a book about women who were able to write their story and have their voice be heard. Read the stories of women who have survived breast cancer, were born with Cerebral Palsy and conquered misconceptions to become published authors, brave women who escaped domestic violence as well as educational material from experts in the fields of social media and marketing. When you read this book think about how social media has impacted your life. Our life coaches give you tips from their programs and our health coaches show you how to incorporate holistic and healthy habits into your life. Each author has a vibrant story, a unique style and a message hidden within. Social Media is a unique form of communication. Some women said that they were a little skeptical about Facebook until they found support. Compiler Carla Wynn Hall says “Facebook saved her life” during a time of emotional turbulence. VIP Angel Sponsor Elizabeth Hassan writes from Australia about how Facebook and the Internet in general has helped her friend Sarah who has “Liver Cancer” to find support groups to help her heal. The stories go on and on and each one is worthy of your attention. You can learn more about each author and endorser at our website We proudly support the Breast Cancer Foundation and Break the Silence against Domestic Violence and our women who have written their story so their voice can be heard. Women women write, the whole world is a better place to be.

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Once Upon a Time: How Cinderella Grew Up and Became a Happy Empowered Woman

Relationship challenges? Feel like everyone else is getting a better deal than you in the game of life and love? Do the same patterns keep showing up? Do you feel like you didn’t get your copy of the “rule book” of successful relationships and life? Once Upon a Time… How Cinderella Grew Up and Became a Happy, Empowered Woman is a fascinating exploration of women’s roles in relationships considering the socialization of women from a fairy tale perspective and how that can set us up to fail in love. The book takes you through different roles women fall into whilst offering practical and useful strategies to avoid these dangerous traps that come from “fairy tale” thought patterns in love and life. You will learn: • How to master the dance of love in male/female relationships. • How “caretaking” your partner will end up backfiring. • The seductive yet deadly trap of victimization. • The self- sacrificing woman – troubles ahead. How to get out of martyrdom complex. • Empowerment as the pathway to true happiness Written for women of all ages “ How Cinderella Grew Up and Became an Empowered Woman” gives you your power back by helping you understand your role in your own life and in your relationships; allowing you to change your life and love life forever!

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The Empowered Life and Your Connection to the Soul-Self

Empower Yourself! Success coach Cassandra Blizzard offers an intensive look at how we inadvertently give away our personal power and how we can regroup and bring ourselves back into balance. This book is the culmination of years of working with people and teaching clients how to trust in their Soul, live a more balanced life, and find fulfillment and happiness in the world. Build a bridge of trust with your own Soul, become self-actualized, and take charge of your life like never before. Learn how to get rid of old baggage and break up old belief systems that hold you back, and be bold about moving forward in positive ways. You can have the good life, a balanced life, and an emotionally healthy life. Cassandra shows readers how to appreciate, respect, and value Self, how to lay down positive boundary lines in relationships, and how to transform your life overall. Break through wrong-thinking, overcome obstacles, restore hope, and create personal success. Using this book, together with The Empowered Life: The Workbook, you can transform yourself and your life, reconnect with your Soul, and develop inner peace.

Have you ever felt like there is something more, something better than the life you have? Do you want better relationships, less fear and anxiety about the future? Do you feel downtrodden, held back, undervalued? Do your goals feel out of reach?

Shake off the things that are holding you down. Re-connect with your Soul-Self and start transforming your life now. Breakthrough negativity and empower yourself to have the life you always wanted. You deserve it.

The Empowered Life Gives You the Tools to Make Positive Changes in Your Life, and Deal with Difficulties and Challenges When They Arise.
*    Take Charge of Your Life
*    Appreciate, Value and Respect YourSelf
*    Use Your Intuition to Make Better Choices
*    Restore Hope
*    Create Personal Success
*    Re-connect With Your Soul
*    Break Through Wrong Thinking and Overcome Obstacles

* To Be Used With The Empowered Life: The Workbook *