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Inspirations, Visions and Traditions in Fiber Arts

Inspirations, Visions, and Traditions in Fiber Arts is a glance into a modern-day group of African American quilters and dollmakers who have joined together to create and enjoy Fiber Arts. This collection of beautiful quilts and dolls will lead you to turn page after page as you share the vision these artists have brought to fruition. Their personal stories will enable you to understand their fiery passion for the art. Because local guilds did not seem to understand the Black perspective, The African American Quilt and Doll Guild became a safe place for artists to freely express themselves and incorporate the history and stories stored in the hearts of African American fiber artists. They found the freedom to incorporate a different perspective of color, design and African Art in quilts. They have also used that same love of color to create Black cloth dolls that reflect the Black experiences in their lives and those of their families. The African American Quilt and Doll Guild and its’ Storyteller members, honor Africans and African Americans by telling the history through quilts and dolls. The artistic images will grab your attention and a knowing smile will grace your lips when you sit back, relax and enjoy the craftsmanship of the artists.

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Mark Making: Fresh Inspiration for Quilt and Fiber Artists

Discover how the simplest marks–stitched lines and knots–can be used to create graphically compelling art! In Mark Making, art quilter Helen Parrott, known for her strongly graphic and landscape-inspired textile art, demonstrates how marks can be used in textile work and explains the crossover between stitch and drawing.

This fascinating book is divided into the different types of marks or lines that can be made on fabric varying in complexity, arrangement, and ‘feel’.

You’ll also learn techniques in both hand and machine stitching, which offer limitless potential for surface effect. Mark Making aims to help you take inspiration from the world around you to create marks, develop your own mark-making skills, and strengthen your personal creative voice! This is an essential book for any textile artist.